1. Ultimate Workout

    Date: 10/6/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: Silverthorn5548, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    Another Friday lunchtime like many others see you heading off to the gym. You walk down with the same few characters as always, your mind wandering from one thing to another. The stresses of life right now almost getting the better of you but you're stronger than that. The prospect of a new job, moving house and getting your little boy to sl**p through the night all weighing on your mind right now as well as wondering where your special pen-pal had gone AWOL to. You put all thoughts to the back of your mind and prepare yourself for the workout ahead. You reach the changing room, quickly undress and then kit yourself out with your active gear as always. You check yourself in the full length mirror within the changing room and decide your special guy up in the midlands might appreciate a pic of you looking great in your black leggings and tight white top, the low neck revealing your ample breasts to great effect. You take one pic, it being perfect first time, as it usually is, considering you're the self-confessed Selfie Princess. You quickly send your pic to me, sealing it with a kiss. You find it slightly strange that i've not been in contact for a day or two now, knowing how obsessed I've become with your company, whatever form it takes. You put thoughts of me once again to the back of your mind, time for your training session. You enter the gym proper and start by pulling a few stretches in preparation. As you continue into your zone you fail to notice me on the treadmill ...
    to the front of the room. I've been anticipating your arrival for some time now, now watching your reflection in the tall mirror in front of my running machine, as you limber up. I watch you briefly check around the room before you flick your luscious dark hair back and begin to stretch your long toned arms and legs. As always I can't help but appreciate your beauty as you continue your warm-up. I'd admired you exclusively from afar for some time now but this was our chance to put into practice what we'd both wanted for so long. I continue to watch you for some time before finishing my run with a little warm-down, catching my breath before making my move to postpone your usual gym session. As I finish my exercise I continue to stare at the young woman who has been the subject of my affections for so long now, remarking to myself how exquisite you look. As you look up from your latest stretch you see me striding towards you, your face suddenly showing a look of disbelief and confusion, how could I be here in your gym. As I reach you and before you can say a word, I whisper to you “If you want a proper workout then follow me” and walk towards the door without waiting for your response. You quickly look around the room and seeing that no one witnessed the exchange you slowly follow me from the hall. I turn off down the hall and as you come around the corner you see me disappear through a door to the left of the corridor. You approach slowly and see that the door left ajar for you ...