1. Hippie Girlfiend's

    Date: 10/6/2015, Categories: Group Sex, Mature, Voyeur, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 97, Source: xHamster

    waste mach time. Soon I was going at her with all I had, and she was coming. It was slightly frightening; Olivia was age appropriate, she’d already said wanted to move in. She was a sweet sexy girl, but was I really ready to take on such a needy woman? If she had any similar doubts, they didn’t get in the way of her orgasms. She came again while I was distracted. Afterwards, lying together, I told her the same thing I’d told Irene. “I’m happy for you to stay, but you should know I’m not financially secure.” I told her. “I could lose this place if business doesn’t improve.” “I never worry about money.” She said flippantly, “The universe will always take care of us if you let it.” I figured a girl like her didn’t have to worry; but I still did. I woke up as a car pulled into my drive. I lifted my head and looked out the window. It was my own old Chevy. “Shit.” I said. “What’s wrong?” Olivia said drowsily. “My wife just arrived.” I said. I went down to meet her. Denise was very beautiful, and very black. She’d been adopted from Somalia as a c***d by a Christian minister who lived nearby, and I met her when I was doing some wiring for them. We hit it off straight away; I loved her razor sharp wit and she was totally sexy too. Race was never an issue between the two of us, but it seemed to be for everyone else. She was one of those ‘no sex before marriage’ girls. I was totally smitten, I didn’t mind waiting. But after a couple of years we were just arguing all the time. That ...
    fact was that I rarely made her come, and she did nothing to help. Marriage without orgasms soon lost its luster. We looked great on the outside, but there was no heat between us. She had an affair [I never told her parents about it]. I know what happened; good sex. She experienced really hot sex, with multiple orgasms and all that. She left me and moved to the city. Where people could be anonymous, hook up, experiment , have fun. Sex and love, they chase each other around in confusion. “I thought you were coming tomorrow.” I said. “I’m here now.” She said. “Is it a problem?” “No, it’s fine. You want coffee?” “Sure. I have the divorce papers for you to sign.” I saw Olivia slip out through the front door. She didn’t want to make things awkward for me. “I heard you have some people camping up by the pond.” Denise said. “Yeah, some hippies from San Francisco.” I said, “An old guy with two girlfriends. Max, Irene, and Olivia.” “Two? How does he manage that? Shit, you can’t even keep one!” she said flippantly. Her wit was very attractive when it wasn’t pointed at me. “I gather he’s wealthy, well endowed, and never comes.” I said. Denise laughed; “That would do it!” she agreed. We spent some time hashing through things. Denise was leaving me the car, since it cost too much to park it in the city, and anyway it was mine before we married. The house had no equity anyway. Irene popped in. “Hey, why don’t you both come up to the bus for dinner? We’re leaving in the morning, if the bus ...