Hippie Girlfiend's
Date: 10/6/2015, Categories: Group Sex, Mature, Voyeur, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 97, Source: xHamster
starts that is.” “Don’t they have a phone?” Denise asked as Irene went back up the hill. “Nope; they’re all afraid of the radiation. And they’re vegetarian by the way.” “Great, me too.” She said. “Really? Since when?” “Almost a year. I feel much better from it.” “Well you are looking great.” I said reluctantly. I wanted to fuck her again, but I knew that was never going to happen. Irene had character, brains, an outlook on life that really fit with me. But she was too old, and in love with Max. Olivia was the sweetest woman in the world, but somehow just too naïve. I didn’t think she was stupid; she just chose to view the world through her rose colored glasses because she liked it better that way. Of course, the fact that she actually wanted to live with me made up for everything. Olivia might be an airy-fairy hippy girl, but we were good together. I could love her; any man could love her. I was only afraid that it wouldn’t last, and I’d be heartbroken again. We had nothing in common except our love for the property and decent sex, both of which might or might not last. I followed my wife’s tight black ass up the hill. I wondered what she’d been doing with it during our separation; I didn’t resent her much. She’d been crap in bed, and so was I. Other than that, I still loved her. She was wearing a tight black leather skirt, and her long elegant black legs were bare. She’d been wearing open pumps when she got to the house, but she’d put on a pair of wellington rubber boots ...