1. Does feminism hurt masculinity?

    Date: 10/6/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: impossibleace, Rating: 50, Source: xHamster

    woman and be held to her standards. It is unfair that women undergo scrutiny when it comes to their sex lives and of course their appearance. But ladies not every man is out there holding you up to unfair standards, and not every man that opens his mouth or pays you a compliment is automatically trying to get in your panties so would it kill you to stop thinking of them as some sort of predators? I mean granted you are going to find those who are really just trying to fuck, its kind of a state of mind, but can you really blame them? Men emulate the traits they thing attract women, especially women in their area. If a man sees another man always boasting, always shining, always spending tons of money on his ladies because he has that many ladies, the other man is going to try and do the same. So when a man encounters a lady that perks his interest and she states that she's looking for someone smart, funny and a good head on his shoulders, said man will try to show off those qualities even if they don't have them.... Ok, let me stop. This isn't an excuse for those who are willingly deceiving people just to get sex, and no i suppose i can't really blame you ladies for thinking every dude who opens his mouth is trying to stick his dick in yours, but from a guy who is genuinely trying to find a woman to keep in his life that shit is hella annoying. I just want to live in a world where i'm judged by MY merits, where i don't have to feel like i'm begging the woman i want to give me the time of day because all she see's is another b*****r trying to run game. I guess i'm asking for the impossible, but then again I am the ImpossibleAce.