1. Does feminism hurt masculinity?

    Date: 10/6/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: impossibleace, Rating: 50, Source: xHamster

    Not really sure this is the place to have any kind of blog, but at the same time i like the idea of expressing myself on a site where no one really knows me.Huh...that's kind of cowardly isn't it? Either way, I wanted to talk about sexist people and actions that I've witnessed recently and why they came to be. This should go without saying but i don't think myself as sexist. Yea women and men are different, but does that mean that one of us is inferior to the other? Absolutely not. So why is the stereotype that plague our sexes so strictly upheld. Women claiming that they can't do certain jobs, men not being able to show any real emotion outside of anger, lust, and arrogance. Its absurd to think about and yet i find it in my life daily. I was working part time at a department store at 16 when i encountered my first feminist. She was talking in the break room to one of our co-workers about having to deal with the absurd amount of men that just couldn't get the hint and that was always trying to get in her pants. Now I being me just had to give my two scents because it eventually turned into her dogging men. I asked her in what way was a man supposed to show interest in her if not by approaching her and trying to spark up conversation. She told me there was nothing wrong with trying to talk to her, but that we as men needed to come correctly at her and try to stimulate her mind before trying to do the same to her body. I asked her why then did she go to a bar and complain about ...
    the men trying to hit on her when there is little to no intelligent conversation in that kind of setting. The result was her ranting for about 45 minutes, well after our break was over, about how men are dogs who only know how to look on the surface and think with their dicks and yadda yadda yadda you can guess the rest of it. I try to be an open minded guy, I knew that this woman didn't speak for all women or feminist out there but her complaints I often here echoed in the voices of so called feminist everywhere. They complain about how its a man's world, how they have such heavy burdens under the expectations of men and our concept of beauty and that as a small girl it almost destroys their sense of identity. But really, hearing women dog men flips a switch in me, one that makes me believed, even if its not meant this way, that I'm included in the bashing. &#034Masculinity is ~so~ fragile.&#034 Heh. I laugh because honestly at that statement all i can do is laugh. If i get angry, protest, become involved, speak up about how degrading it feels to have women openly laugh at masculinity then i prove (as i'm sure this blog will eventually end up there, if so hello ladies) the statement right. But if i grin and bear it, not say a word and laugh at my b*****rs who do protest what i feel is the equivalent of blowing up feminism, then i only aid the problem. Don't get me wrong, I understand. It is unfair that a six year old girl is expected to play with barbie, a &#034Perfect&#034 ...