1. My Darling Cuckold

    Date: 9/28/2015, Categories: Group Sex, Mature, Voyeur, Author: magas911, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    squeezed against each other. I seem constantly to be touching his arm, his hand, his leg. My eyes are on him all the time, and his on me. You wonder whether this is a performance for your benefit. OK, you think, I'll go with it for now. The pub bell rings for closing time. You get out your phone to call a cab. There is a whispered conversation between Paul and me, then I say to you, &#034Ian, it's OK if Paul comes back to ours for a drink, isn't it, darling? It's just we've got so much to catch up on and we're having such a lovely time.&#034 You say it's OK by you. You don't feel you can refuse, and you're not sure you want to. You deliberately take the front seat in the cab so that Paul and I can sit together in the back. We are quiet during the journey. At one point you look round to see that I am resting my head on Paul's shoulder and he has his arm round me. He kisses my head, tenderly. We look like lovers. We get to the house and go inside. You offer to get some drinks from the kitchen. As you are pouring them, I come in. &#034Ian, sweetheart ...&#034 I say. &#034It's OK, Leanne, I know. You want to sl**p with him, don't you?&#034 &#034Yes,&#034 I say, quietly, seriously. &#034I want him, I need him, more than anything else in the world. I'm sorry, Ian.&#034 &#034It's all right, my love,&#034 you reply. &#034Just one condition. I want to watch. If you let me watch, I won't mind what you do. Here, these are for you and him.&#034 You hand me two drinks. You hang back ...
    slightly as I go through to the living room. You want to give me a chance to explain the situation to Paul. When you do walk into the room, Paul is standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders. We are both looking at you. I say, &#034Paul's agreed. You can watch.&#034 &#034OK,&#034 you say. &#034I'd like it to be here, in the living room. Not our bedroom, Lee. It's OK for visitors to be in this room. And one more thing.&#034 &#034Yes, my love?&#034 &#034I get to masturbate, if I want to, while I watch.&#034 I look up at Paul. He nods. So do I. You sit in an armchair, drink in hand. &#034Right,&#034 you say, &#034Paul and Leanne, it's all yours.&#034 And so it begins. I push Paul playfully in the chest and he drops back to sit on the sofa. I hitch up my dress around my hips and straddle him. You can clearly see the bare skin of my thighs between the tops of my hold-up stockings and the black lace of my knickers. I lean forward and we kiss very deeply, our tongues writhing against each other. I push my breasts together with my upper arms so that they bulge over the top of my low-cut dress, and shove my cleavage in Paul's face. He kisses the white skin of my breasts as I grind and gyrate on his crotch. In all our years of considerate, well-mannered sex, you have never seen me as raw and horny as this. You are beginning to get aroused, but you do not touch yourself, yet. You sip your drink and carry on watching. In an obscene, sluttish gesture I reach down to Paul's crotch and ...