1. My Darling Cuckold

    Date: 9/28/2015, Categories: Group Sex, Mature, Voyeur, Author: magas911, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    secretions. He says to me, &#034Lee, do you still like being fucked after you've come?&#034 I nod wordlessly. &#034OK then babe,&#034 says Paul, &#034let's get you on the sofa.&#034 He takes me by the hand as I stand up and walk, rather unsteadily, to the sofa. Unprompted, I take up a position on all fours, my bottom protruding outwards. Paul, still erect, positions himself behind me and guides his cock, slowly but firmly, all the way inside me. I let out a long, low moan. He starts a steady, rhythmic thrusting, with long strokes so that his thick shaft, wet with my juices, is clearly visible each time he pulls back. Each forward thrust makes my buttocks quiver. My breasts jiggle and swing underneath me. Every so often he lets me have a spank as he fucks me. You watch, masturbating now, not far off climax yourself. He thrusts faster. His breathing starts to become ragged. &#034Paul,&#034 I gasp, &#034come where Ian can see it. I want him to see you come.&#034 He speeds up again, a couple more very hard thrusts, then pulls out and holds his cock steady over my reddened buttocks as he sprays a prodigious amount of spunk over them. You would not have believed it possible that a man could produce so much jizz in one go. For a moment it seems that his cock will never stop spurting. Finally the eruption subsides. My bottom is ...
    plastered with semen. It flows down the cleft of my arse towards my pussy. Streams of it slide down my buttocks to my thighs, and soak into the tops of my stockings. Ian sits back onto the sofa, his prick still swollen. I look at you. &#034Ian, my sweet boy, thank you so much,&#034 you say. I sit down too, spreading Paul's sperm all over our brand new sofa. &#034Ian, let me help you come,&#034 I say. &#034You really have earned it.&#034 You stand in front of me as I lean forward and take your stiff little cock into my warm mouth. It does not take long. Half a dozen expert strokes of my tongue are enough to coax from you the usual couple of modest spurts, which I let you drip onto my breasts. For a moment, we are silent, the only sound our heavy breathing. Then I say to you, &#034Ian, would it be OK if Paul stays for a few days? In the spare room, of course. Not in our bedroom ...&#034 The End So, my love, I hope you enjoyed that. I must say I got pretty excited thinking about it and writing it, and ended up making myself come a couple of times. I'd love it to have the same effect on you. And if you still need more after that and can't wait till I get back - well, you can always think about Berlin. That usually works for me! I love you, Paul, I miss you, and I promise you all kinds of good things when we're together again. Love Leanne