1. Lesley part 35

    Date: 9/28/2015, Categories: Masturbation, Mature, Voyeur, Author: Les1111, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    the.....Lesley....well, how, are you. Long time no see....&#034 &#034Rob...oh...hi. This is er...Kevin. Kevin, this Rob&#034 They shook hands, Kevin not twigging that this Rob was the Rob, Lesley had been whispering into her ear about when she was teasing him on the bus Introductions made, Rob invited them for a coffee, to which Kevin accepted before Lesley could decline. Robs mind saw £ signs floating in front of him if he managed to play this correctly. &#034There's a bar...over there. He pointed. They'll do coffees....come on. My treat&#034 Inside, a waitress directed them to a secluded corner of the dimly lit room. It was neither a proper bar, or a proper restaurant. Lesley couldn't decide what it was. What she knew it wasn't...was a place she wanted to be right now. She wanted, was to be with Kevin and him alone. No outside influences. Like Rob. He'd helped her immensely recently, but right at this time, she didn't need him and any agenda he had, to spoil it. And she suspected he would. &#034Erm....we'll have a bottle of house white, please&#034 he asked the waitress, handing her the drinks menu back. &#034What happened to coffee?&#034 She asked him suspiciously. &#034Oh come on....lets have some fun...it's Friday....weekend starts here. What do ya say...Keith?&#034 &#034Er....Kevin....it's Kevin...&#034 He answered, smiling. &#034Oh....my bad...sorry. &#034 &#034Well, why not, eh Lesley. A few won't hurt. Will it.&#034 &#034Ok...if you think so&#034 &#034Come on ...
    Lesley....I know you like a drink.... Haha, a white whine, loosens your inhibitions....we both know that. Haha&#034 Lesley felt her cheeks tingle at the statement....true as it was.....cut her a little. He shouldn't have said that, but she let it go. Forty minutes later, and a second bottle, was placed in the ice bucket at their table. Lesley was the main topic of conversation, and the 15% proof wine, which Lesley had d***k the most of, was making her giggle, as the compliments got more risqué. Her initial fears, both confirmed and then forgotten, in a very short space of time. &#034Oh yes...Kevin...see got it right, that time, haha....Lesley's my nurse...saved my life this girl did....came in every day, and poor girl had to bed bath me...didn't you Lesley....every day...without fail. Haha.....&#034 &#034Lucky man Rob.....bet she's a hot little number in her nurses uniform, eh?&#034 &#034Oh hell, yes, she was...made my day I can tell you, Kevin lad. Weren't you girl? Eh....my own florence nightingale. Made an old man very happy...haha&#034 &#034Bet she did......hold on....&#034, he said, turning to Lesley.....is this...the same Rob, as you were talking about...on the bus?&#034 His eyes wide with realisation. &#034Oh....god&#034 &#034Has she been telling you about me....Kevin?.... Has she?&#034 &#034Mmmm maybe. Maybe she has, yes&#034 &#034Lesley?&#034 &#034Oh dear...ok Kevin. Yes. Rob and I have...well, you know.&#034 The wine masked her feeling of dread as she took a large swallow ...