Lesley part 35
Date: 9/28/2015, Categories: Masturbation, Mature, Voyeur, Author: Les1111, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
Kevin thought he heard the noise of a door closing, but was too engrossed, watching his unprotected cock disappear into Lesley's backside to care. He'd had anal sex before....just once.....and it had been a disaster. This time, the experience was mind blowing. This Lesley, while not being n oil painting was by a million miles the best fuck, he had ever had....and he'd been here less than an hour! While attempting to enter his first anal partner, she had screamed so loud she woke a neighbour who nearly rang the police. It didn't go much further. Of course, attempting to go in dry, had been much of the problem. Her not keen on doing it in the first place, the rest. He'd been a lot younger then, and the experience had put him off all together. Until now. When he'd put his hard bellend to her entrance he noticed the gleam of oil on the puckered hole. She'd prepared. She wanted...and expected....this. He'd better start delivering! Again, like when he ate her, she gave instruction and offered encouragement...she was so different a lover to all he'd had. "Take it nice and slowly, big boy....that cock is my perfect size for going in there. Don't disappoint. If you feel it's to tight, pull out and I'll oil you up....should be ok though. You ok?" "Yyyes. Think so...haha." He managed to say. "Your doing just fine...once your in, properly, slap me anywhere you want, except my face. I love a bit of pain. Heehee. Bet you've never met anyone like me...eh Kevin?" ...