1. Cold October rain

    Date: 9/22/2015, Categories: First Time, Hardcore, Mature, Author: silkstockingscarol, Rating: 78, Source: xHamster

    then came back in to warn us it was beginning to rain and we better have our windows up in our cars. We thanked him and bid him a good night. A short time later people who came in were wearing jackets and saying how it was pouring and turned much cooler. I hadn't noticed until I felt a hand on my shoulder and a familiar voice, &#034Hi Carol!&#034 I turned and there stood Denny who had been sitting at the bar nursing a beer. I returned his greeting and offered him a place at our table, he refused, but offered any of us a ride to our cars since his was just outside the door. Finishing our drinks, one of the girls said good night and got up to leave, she was soon back saying how hard it was raining, she in a t-shirt like most of us ask me if my friend might take her across the road to her car as he said he would, another girl offered to go with her. I said sure, and went to the bar to ask Denny to make good on his offer, He said he would and immediately left his stool, told the girls to wait by the door and went out in the downpour to start his car and open the door for them. We heard his horn and the girls rushed out. A short time later, he was back, soaking wet, looked to our table and said, &#034Next?&#034 Several more left the table and took Denny's offer for a shuttle to their cars, even the ones with jackets. I remained in the bar, planning on being last and thanking Denny for his generosity by buying him a beer. The girls gone, he came in one last time, &#034Carol? Want a ...
    ride across the road, the car's nice and warm now.&#034 &#034I thought I would buy you a beer for shuttling us.&#034 I offered. &#034Nope! I'm too cold and wet for that now, come on!&#034 He replied. I left my share of the tip and rushed to the door with Denny. The overhang of the bar had no rain gutters and water poured down on me in the short distance to Denny's big green Pontiac. I shivered getting in but the heat from the vents felt oh so nice! He did a quick U-turn and across the road to my car, I didn't want to leave the warmth of the Pontiac and Denny must have sensed it, he offered to start my car to warm up while I enjoyed the heat of his car. I gave him my keys and into the rain he went, starting it and turning on the lights for me. The only thing he forgot was my jacket, but I wouldn't ask him to go out again to get it, I could stand being wet as long as I had the heat from his car blowing on me. &#034Stay as long as you like and warm up.&#034 He said. I thanked him and we began to talk a bit. Several times I caught him looking at my chest, later I noticed why. Even with a bra on, my nipples protruded a bit in the wet t-shirt. I ask him what he was looking at, just to make conversation and tease a little, he answered, &#034Your lovely tits!..You mind?&#034 &#034No, go right ahead!&#034 I laughed, and he leaned over taking me by surprise, a hand on my belly and his lips touching mine and began kissing me, probing my mouth with his tongue, his hand crept up under my ...