Cold October rain
Date: 9/22/2015, Categories: First Time, Hardcore, Mature, Author: silkstockingscarol, Rating: 78, Source: xHamster
I'll write this in several segments, "Cold October rain" is the beginning of how I met my last lover back in 2001. My husband and I lived in what was a semi rural town with lots of freedom after we were married. An older house with two lots on a not so busy street with fairly nice older neighbors who minded their own business unless stirred, but friendly enough folks. Well, as with all things, change was in the wind. The older neighbors began dying off, replaced with younger people who demanded change in the neighborhood and township. Our somewhat rural atmosphere began to be regulated quite heavily, many of the freedoms we once enjoyed were now gone, or going away, and the newer residents had no problem in reporting any infractions of the newer ordinances imposed. We decided it was time to move to a more rural and friendly place. I got a realtor in June of 2001 and began the search for a more suitable home for us and the dogs. Our credit was good, but we needed to buy before putting our place up for sale, way too much stuff to move somewhere temporarily then move again once we found what we were looking for. We decided we needed to save every cent we could, we would live on my husband's wages, I worked part time for the local paper, good pay, but not enough hours to rapidly save a bunch so I took a second part time casual job with another publishing company and bank all my pay for our house in the country.. I would work for the paper from four in the afternoon to ...