1. New To The Neighbourhood I meet My Neighbours (Fir

    Date: 9/22/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Voyeur, Author: kezza6969, Rating: 86, Source: xHamster

    until Claire suggested to Natalie that she call it a night. I wondered why. I soon found out. Claire had a favour to ask. She had planned to go away with her new boyfriend for the weekend, from Friday to Sunday night. Natalie usually stayed with her grandmother, but the old lady was ill. Would it be an imposition if Natalie slept at my place, seeing we got on so well? Of course she’d go home to her own unit during the day, for meals and so forth. Claire seemed relieved when I thought it would be no problem. What about Natalie I asked? No, she liked me a lot it seemed and Claire thought she looked forward to having somewhere to stay close to home with someone with whom she was comfortable. Then I remembered I my weekly nudist swim night, a hobby I re-established after my stint in the bush. I went to the spare bedroom and came back with two nudist magazines. In one I showed Claire the swim night advertisement, in the other a short article on the group and its activities. Did she think it would be okay if Natalie accompanied me? Did she think Natalie would like to go? Claire could see a range of people, including families of youngsters and teens, attended the night. She told me Natalie might like it but she’d ask her and also tell her I’d agreed to her staying over for the weekend. She assured me that nudity was not a problem for Natalie; that she was advanced for her age. In my mind I translated that to exhibitionism based on what I’d seen. But Claire added that she caught ...
    her two previous boyfriends having sex with her daughter and given both of them their marching orders. Her latest catch had no such interest but Claire kept Natalie on the pill anyway. What one learns when one listens to neighbours! A phone call from Claire not long after she went home confirmed that Natalie would love to come to the swim night. I reminded Claire that Natalie would need a tracksuit and towel. I suggested to Claire that she should think about leaving for her weekend from work. I’d feed her daughter and make sure she had what she needed at my place. A happy relieved neighbour bid me goodnight. Next evening we arrived at the heated indoor pool complex on the other side of the city. Bob, the regular group organiser, was on the door collecting the nominal fee for the night. He seemed interested in Natalie and suggested to me I introduce her to his niece Gracie who I already met on my first couple of visits. Given their similarity in age he thought they’d have something in common. As Natalie and I made our way to the ladies change room, which all the group used, we saw there were about twenty people present ranging from a few young c***dren to more mature adults. The moment of truth arrived for both of us as we shed and hung our tracksuits. Natalie and I saw each other completely naked for the first time. I immediately fell in love with her small tight bottom. She had a smudge of light blond hair on her lower belly. And previous sneak previews had shown me her tiny ...