1. New To The Neighbourhood I meet My Neighbours (Fir

    Date: 9/22/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Voyeur, Author: kezza6969, Rating: 86, Source: xHamster

    The job transfer from the remote mine to the city was welcome but the search for a suitable unit was more frustrating and took a couple of weeks. Eventually I found a comfortable two-bedroom unit at the rear of a block of four not too far from town. On a Monday morning I acquired the keys from the agent and arrived an hour later with a professional cleaning crew. It took most of the day to clean the place, except for the carpets that they were going to steam clean next day. In the late afternoon I was wandering around the unit thinking about the placement of my furniture and belongings, due to be delivered by the removalist on Wednesday, when my first neighbourhood visitor arrived at the front door. She was dressed in a school uniform, yellow collared T-shirt, green skirt and sneakers, a school bag dumped on the veranda beside her. I introduced myself to Natalie, confirmed I was the new tenant and neighbour, and showed her over the bare unit. That done fairly quickly, given there wasn’t much to look at, I suggested she might like to go to the corner store nearby and buy each of us a coke. Without hesitation she took my money and was off with a rush. Minutes later she returned. I badly needed one of those icy cold drinks she carried. As there was no furniture I suggested we sit on the lounge room carpet. She sat against one wall, myself opposite. I couldn’t help but notice she was fairly careless in her pose, no effort made to tuck her skirt down in front of herself. Her bare ...
    thighs and white panties scrunched up in her crutch were obvious. She seemed not to notice. And I pretended not to see either. Instead I focussed on her and wondered how much of the local gossip she might want to share with me. Natalie had blond shoulder length hair cut to a fringe on her forehead, laughing blue eyes, a wide happy smile in a pretty face, and a light olive complexion. She looked fit, her overall build slim. She lived alone with her mom in the unit next door. Mom worked as a contract officer for a construction company in the city, and was in the long drawn out process of courting a new boyfriend. The other two units in the block housed working couples. Before Natalie left I gave her some more money, to buy a drink at school and two on the way home next day. The carpets were cleaned next morning but I had to leave the unit open so they could dry before the removalist arrived. In the afternoon Natalie arrived at the door with the two cokes. I suggested we sit this time on the kitchen floor so our backsides wouldn’t get damp from the drying carpets. While her offer to go to her place was considerate I didn’t want to do that not yet having met mom. I noticed this time Natalie wore a different type of shirt and shorter skirt. Tuesday was sports day she informed me. She played netball. We sat opposite each other on the kitchen tiles. Again she displayed an unconcerned immodesty, apparently not caring what I could see. She drew her feet up towards her backside. Today ...