1. First Date After

    Date: 9/20/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: ClarkRoberts, Rating: 18, Source: LushStories

    he believed in himself. He knew what he was capable of doing. There was a splendor in his strength and determination. It was clear obstacles along the way wouldn’t throw him off his chosen path. There was majesty about him because his confidence came from hard won experiences. He knew he could fall but he would pick himself up again and move on. Rory was the most beautiful man I had ever met and it had absolutely nothing to do with his appearance. As Rory pulled his car in front of the best restaurant in the city, I said, “Rory, this place is way too expensive.” “Nothing is too expensive for my angel,” he replied with a grin. The valet opened my door and helped me out of the car before he took the keys from Rory. I took Rory’s arm and we went inside. The maître d' seated us at a corner table and lit the centerpiece candle before retiring. A waiter was on his heels and took our orders. I ordered shrimp scampi with a glass of white wine and Rory asked for a steak cooked rare with a baked potato and a domestic beer on tap. “So do you like being paramedic?” I asked, sipping my wine. Rory grinned and nodded. “I sure do. No two days are the same. It’s interesting work.” “So did you join the Army to get the training to be a paramedic?” “No,” he replied. He took a sip of his beer before he continued, “I joined the Army to serve my country. I decided to be a paramedic when I was sixteen working at the city pool as a life guard.” “That’s right, I remember that. Didn’t you save a ...
    child?” “Yeah, a four-year old was knocked into the deep end. By the time I pulled him up from the bottom of the pool, he had quit breathing. After a couple of minutes of mouth-to-mouth he came around. I’ll never forget the way his mom looked at me when the kid started puking up water, it was such a rush. I guess that was the moment I decided I wanted to be a paramedic.” Our food arrived and we ate quietly, enjoying the food and the company of one another. We kept stealing glances at each other. Then blushed and giggled like teenagers when we got caught looking. It was when I caught him looking at me that we held each other’s gaze for a long moment. Frequently the eyes convey what’s left unspoken. When I looked into his eyes, I saw something that scared me just a little. His eyes silently spoke a beautiful language that I was just learning to comprehend. His eyes silently expressed the desire he felt for me. There was an invitation in the depths of his smoldering whiskey brown eyes that left me intoxicated. Blinking, I felt dazed. I struggled with my own mixed emotions. Was I reading too much into Rory’s gaze? Did he really want me? Was he as attracted to me as I was to him? And, the question that troubled me the most, what about our age? “Miranda?” inquired Rory with a cocked eye-brow. Wiping my mouth with the napkin from my lap, I returned, “What?” “The waiter asked if you wanted desert,” he said, with a sideways glance. Lost in my thoughts, I hadn’t noticed that the waiter had ...