First Date After
Date: 9/20/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: ClarkRoberts, Rating: 18, Source: LushStories
decided I couldn’t stay long at the party. I planned to just put in an appearance then leave as soon as decorum allowed. The party was well underway by the time I arrived. Graduation themed decorations embellished the backyard. Balloons danced on the ends of strings in the evening breeze. Charcoal smoke wafted through the balloons and mixed with the aroma of grilling meat. Numerous people of various ages were loudly celebrating among tables covered with appropriate themed plastic tablecloths. From a stereo, pop music blared, creating a calliope of chaotic noise. Someone handed me a paper plate, containing a hamburger fresh off the grill and a side of potato salad along with a big kosher pickle. Finding a place to eat on the terraced patio, I bit into the still warm hamburger. A good-looking young man holding two plastic party cups approached me. With a half-grin, he handed me one of the cups and said, “I thought you might need something to wash that down with, Miranda.” My cheeks bulged with masticated meat, so all I just nodded my thanks. The young man intrigued me because he actually looked me in the eyes when he spoke to me. Most men his age looked down at my big boobs instead, make that most men period. Gazing back into his lustrous brown eyes, I detected a sad maturity that was beyond his age. The young man sat down next to me and took a long drink from his cup. He was dressed in khaki trousers and a green polo shirt that enhanced his wide shoulders and powerful ...