1. the Night Whispers Index -2

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 85, Source: xHamster

    asked. Before I could shake my head, Jackie replied, &#034of course, and so does my s****r.&#034 I'd never so much as tasted any alcohol, and I didn't know if Jackie had either. I was so afraid of my parents finding out that I didn't even open the can until it was warm in my hands. Jackie had finished half of hers in a couple of gulps. &#034Drink up, s*s.&#034 I didn't want to appear to be as scared as I felt, so I slowly popped the top and took a sip. It was disgusting and I almost spit it out. I managed to swallow it without throwing up and gave my s****r a weak smile. &#034It's good,&#034 I lied. &#034So what are you boys up to tonight?&#034 Jackie asked, taking another long drink from her can. Jim shrugged, &#034hanging. Night's still young...&#034 he stared at my s****r in a way which suggested he wanted to do more than hang out. Jackie giggled and replied, &#034so it is. Know any dirty jokes?&#034 Brad offered, &#034sure.&#034 He grinned. &#034What do the Mafia and pussy have in common?&#034 Jackie shrugged, &#034what?&#034 &#034One slip of the tongue and you're in deep shit!&#034 The boys laughed and I pretended to get it. Only later would I understand the connection. Jackie shook her head. &#034That's terrible!&#034 She looked at me smiling, then turned back to the boys, &#034why do guys like big boobs and a tight ass?&#034 Jim replied, &#034why?&#034 &#034Cause they have big mouths and tiny dicks!&#034 I laughed when I got it, and the boys looked a bit put off even ...
    as they chuckled. Brad spoke loudly, &#034some aren't so little, you know!&#034 &#034Maybe so,&#034 Jackie said, &#034don't need proof!&#034 &#034I got one,&#034 Martin added, &#034what do you call a teenage girl who doesn't masturbate?&#034 I felt myself dreading the answer. When everyone shrugged, Martin smiled and said, &#034a liar!&#034 I tried to make myself smaller, self-conscious about the subject in front of others. Sure, I masturbated, but I didn't feel comfortable even joking about it with the boys present. Martin wouldn't let it drop. &#034So, are you a liar, Jackie?&#034 &#034Hardly,&#034 she said back, &#034proud of it, actually.&#034 I could see him licking his lips at the image. Brad looked at me, &#034and you, Penny? You a liar?&#034 &#034I...&#034 I found myself unable to say anything further. After a pause, the boys started to laugh. Martin said, &#034yep, she's a liar. We know you let your fingers do a little walking, right?&#034 I shook my head, feeling very uncomfortable. Jackie saved me. &#034Easy, pervs, that's my s****r you're talking to. She's f******n. Cut her some slack.&#034 &#034Aw, come on, Jackie,&#034 Jim pleaded, &#034just having fun. This is what you do at the lake, talk about sex and such, then later ... you know.&#034 Jackie looked at me more seriously a moment, and I knew she saw the fear in my eyes. &#034Yeah, well, not tonight, there's no... 'you know, ' for us. Just hanging out, thanks.&#034 Brad smirked, &#034oh, I think a couple more ...