the Night Whispers Index -2
Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 85, Source: xHamster
asked. Before I could shake my head, Jackie replied, "of course, and so does my s****r." I'd never so much as tasted any alcohol, and I didn't know if Jackie had either. I was so afraid of my parents finding out that I didn't even open the can until it was warm in my hands. Jackie had finished half of hers in a couple of gulps. "Drink up, s*s." I didn't want to appear to be as scared as I felt, so I slowly popped the top and took a sip. It was disgusting and I almost spit it out. I managed to swallow it without throwing up and gave my s****r a weak smile. "It's good," I lied. "So what are you boys up to tonight?" Jackie asked, taking another long drink from her can. Jim shrugged, "hanging. Night's still young..." he stared at my s****r in a way which suggested he wanted to do more than hang out. Jackie giggled and replied, "so it is. Know any dirty jokes?" Brad offered, "sure." He grinned. "What do the Mafia and pussy have in common?" Jackie shrugged, "what?" "One slip of the tongue and you're in deep shit!" The boys laughed and I pretended to get it. Only later would I understand the connection. Jackie shook her head. "That's terrible!" She looked at me smiling, then turned back to the boys, "why do guys like big boobs and a tight ass?" Jim replied, "why?" "Cause they have big mouths and tiny dicks!" I laughed when I got it, and the boys looked a bit put off even ...