1. the Night Whispers Index -2

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 85, Source: xHamster

    again. &#034I don't know...&#034 I sat at the table and took Kira's hand, running my thumb along the top of her fingers. &#034It's okay to be curious, Kira. We're all curious sometimes, but ... Dexter is your b*****r ... I know it might not make sense but you can't explore that with him...&#034 &#034Because it's wrong?&#034 she said softly. &#034Yes, it's wrong.&#034 &#034Why?&#034 came her quiet response. &#034Because ... because ... you just don't do that with your f****y. You just don't.&#034 I couldn't really formulate words which expressed exactly why it was wrong. Something tugged at my memories, something buried deep, something which tried to bubble into my thoughts but was too-quickly washed away. &#034Because ... just because...&#034 Kira said nothing, staring beyond where I sat. She looked at me a moment, her eyes searching mine, before she looked away again and said meekly, &#034so ... what we do ... it's wrong, isn't it? We're bad people...&#034 &#034No,&#034 I replied without thought, &#034no ... don't ... don't think that, Kira. No, you're not bad, just ... curious.&#034 &#034So if we're not bad for doing it ... why is it wrong?&#034 &#034Because I said it's wrong, that's why,&#034 I stated, frustrated by my inability to come up with a much better reason. &#034Because ... you're b*****r and s****r and ... you don't do those things together...&#034 &#034We aren't hurting anyone...&#034 &#034No ... I know...&#034 &#034And ... I like it, Mom ... Dex does too ... ...
    not like we're fucking...&#034 &#034Kira Marie Peterson! Language!&#034 &#034Sorry,&#034 she said, sounding less chastised than I'd have liked, &#034but it's true ... we're just ... playing.&#034 I sat silently a moment. I finally managed to calm myself and said, &#034Listen, Kira ... I just think it's wrong for you and your b*****r to know each other that way. Your body and his are private things, and the way you share ... intimate parts of yourselves with each other ... it crosses a line ... He shouldn't know what you smell like ... down there, and you shouldn't be ... doing whatever you do with his ejaculate...&#034 Scenes of my son cumming in Kira's panties exploded in my head, and despite my revulsion, I felt myself growing wet. I shuddered involuntarily, and Kira eyed me a moment, seeming to notice the way I'd grown flushed and sweaty. It was all I could do not to yell at her, mostly out of my own guilt. I managed not to do so, instead saying calmly, &#034it's okay that you're curious, Kira. It's okay ... you and your b*****r are not bad ... and ... maybe it's not wrong in the moral sense ... I'm just ... very uncomfortable, okay? I worry where this will lead if you and Dexter keep this up...&#034 Kira's expression was solemn but stubborn as well. &#034What will you say to him, Mom?&#034 &#034I don't know,&#034 I said, meaning it honestly. &#034I can barely manage to talk to you about this...&#034 &#034Mom ... I'm sorry he took your panties, okay? I never thought he'd do ...