the Night Whispers Index -2
Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 85, Source: xHamster
again. "I don't know..." I sat at the table and took Kira's hand, running my thumb along the top of her fingers. "It's okay to be curious, Kira. We're all curious sometimes, but ... Dexter is your b*****r ... I know it might not make sense but you can't explore that with him..." "Because it's wrong?" she said softly. "Yes, it's wrong." "Why?" came her quiet response. "Because ... because ... you just don't do that with your f****y. You just don't." I couldn't really formulate words which expressed exactly why it was wrong. Something tugged at my memories, something buried deep, something which tried to bubble into my thoughts but was too-quickly washed away. "Because ... just because..." Kira said nothing, staring beyond where I sat. She looked at me a moment, her eyes searching mine, before she looked away again and said meekly, "so ... what we do ... it's wrong, isn't it? We're bad people..." "No," I replied without thought, "no ... don't ... don't think that, Kira. No, you're not bad, just ... curious." "So if we're not bad for doing it ... why is it wrong?" "Because I said it's wrong, that's why," I stated, frustrated by my inability to come up with a much better reason. "Because ... you're b*****r and s****r and ... you don't do those things together..." "We aren't hurting anyone..." "No ... I know..." "And ... I like it, Mom ... Dex does too ... ...