1. the Night Whispers Index -2

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 85, Source: xHamster

    felt my daughter sit on the edge of the bed, her hand on my leg. &#034What's wrong?&#034 &#034Nothing,&#034 I finally said firmly, trying not to show how scared I was of my own insanity. &#034Nothing, just ... just a nightmare, that's all.&#034 &#034A nightmare? Mom ... you were yelling...&#034 &#034I know,&#034 I said, slowly calming myself, &#034just ... just woke from a nightmare ... I'm okay ... really.&#034 Kira stroked my thigh sympathetically. It made me flash back to my s****r's touch from so long ago. I jerked from Kira's hand and sat up on the bed. &#034Sorry,&#034 I said, &#034sorry ... I ... It was just a nightmare...&#034 She looked hurt, and I tried to smile, probably doing little to ease her concerns. Kira replied quietly, &#034okay ... I just worried ... are you hungry? I made dinner...&#034 I closed my eyes a moment, unable to clear the memory, and then I felt myself grow calm and my head cleared. The memories faded, and for a few seconds, I tried to remember what had caused me grief. It was lost as I stood slowly. Something lingered on the edge of my mind, something full of both pain and pleasure, but whatever it was receded and left me feeling lost. &#034Yeah ... yeah, I could eat.&#034 I moved around to where Kira stood from the bed and hugged her tight. &#034I love you, Kira.&#034 I felt the need to hold her and affirm that I needed to be close to my daughter a moment. &#034No matter what.&#034 &#034I know, Mom. I love you, too ... you sure you're ...
    ok?&#034 I smiled, the grief and uncertainty fading with whatever the nightmare had brought into my mind. &#034Yeah, I'm fine. So, what's for dinner?&#034 Kira went to bed before I did, and I spent a couple of hours staring blankly at the television after she disappeared upstairs into her room. I was still unsettled, couldn't recall what had so upset me that afternoon. I didn't like having holes in my memory, in my emotions, and whatever it had been left a remnant of powerful experiences just out of my grasp. No matter how much I thought about it, nothing was forthcoming. I finally turned off the television and the lights, and tucked myself into my bed, pulling the covers up to my neck. I settled on my back, staring at the darkness above. I know it hurts, Penelope. I'm sorry. It hurts me that you have forgotten. I was confused again, vaguely remembering hearing that voice before. I recalled it from the afternoon, and the night before. That familiar voice somewhere between my ears and my brain. &#034Jackie?&#034 It hurts to remember some of it, Penelope, but there was a lot of good, too. I want you to remember that. &#034I don't remember,&#034 I whispered, certain my grip on sanity was growing loose and that I was talking to myself. &#034I don't want to remember.&#034 But you need to remember. I'm lost if you don't believe that remembering the good times is worth also remembering the bad... &#034The good times...&#034 After the first night we played together. Don't you remember? At ...