1. the Night Whispers Index -2

    Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 85, Source: xHamster

    fingers. My hips rose and she pressed harder against my clit, circling it. My thighs clenched and relaxed, my butt rising from the towel. &#034Oh ... ohh ... ohh...&#034 I knew I was there, and Jackie knew it too. &#034Cum for me, Penelope ... cum for me...&#034 I exploded in a thousand directions at once, unable and unwilling to stop my cries of pleasure. I heard them echoing in my ears, as if from some other girl. I felt my vagina clenching around my s****r's finger, my clit burning against her palm. She kissed my stomach as I writhed and shook, my hands suddenly running through her hair, holding my s****r's head against my body. I came and came, lost in the sensations, my pussy drooling into my panties and over Jackie's flesh. I felt pleasure rush in as my channel flooded, my nipples almost painfully hard, my clit withdrawing rapidly as it became sensitive and sore. I clamped my thighs together, bucking against my s****r's hand, whimpering as the intense moment only slowly fell away and left me feeling weak and wonderful. Jackie nibbled my skin, planting soft, lovely kisses on my stomach around my navel, her fingers held gently over my crotch. I knew she could feel me trembling, and for long moments, I was unable to do more than shiver and hold her head against my body. I felt amazing. It started to creep in what had happened, and my puritanic upbringing started to push back my pleasure and replace it with guilt. Jackie, as she always seemed to, was ready to battle ...
    those thoughts. &#034That was wonderful, Penelope. Just wonderful. What could be more perfect than sharing that together?&#034 &#034But ... you're my s****r...&#034 &#034Yeah, and you're mine. We should be able to do that for each other ... isn't it better to share the good times together? To share happy moments with one another?&#034 I shrugged, a mix of pleasure and shame sitting in uneasy alliance in my mind and body. &#034Maybe...&#034 &#034Didn't you enjoy that?&#034 she whispered. &#034Yes...&#034 &#034Me too. I loved making you cum like that, Penelope. If I could, I'd do nothing else in life than play with your pussy.&#034 I had to laugh. My s****r loved to curse and use words my parents would never allow, and I'd always found it funny to hear her say 'pussy.' She always managed to pronounce it as if it was a magical thing, something sacred, her breathy tone always making me smile when she said it that way. &#034I don't think Mom and Dad would let you do that...&#034 &#034Screw them,&#034 Jackie said, finally pulling her hand from my panties. I jerked involuntarily at the rapid loss of her warm flesh from my genitals. &#034They'll never know, and what we do together isn't their business. We're both old enough to make our own decisions, and I want to share this with you all the time, Penelope. All the time...&#034 &#034Okay,&#034 I said, starting to smile. The pleasure was winning over the shame. &#034I really liked it, Jackie ... I ... I've never had one so strong ...