the Night Whispers Index -2
Date: 9/10/2015, Categories: First Time, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 85, Source: xHamster
yourself back because of your doubts. Those guys were assholes, yeah, but there are good guys out there, too, and you deserve to know a few of them. You gotta learn to love yourself." "I try. I just ... I don't know, Jackie. I feel ... awkward." "Everyone feels awkward. You're at that point, just starting to get your boobs and your butt and all, starting to like boys, starting to see other girls who you think are hotter, and you're doubting yourself. Don't do that. Don't compare yourself to them. You're beautiful. I wish you could see that." "I try," I repeated. "I just ... I don't know." Jackie was quiet a moment, then said softly, "I really liked last night ... what we did together ... I know it was odd ... we're s****rs and all ... but it felt good, and ... I really liked it..." "Me too," I admitted quietly, "me too." She put her hand on my back, just holding it there. "Can I touch you there again? Make you feel good?" "Yes..." I said despite my nerves. "Lean back..." I did as she directed and my s****r slid beside me, her hand running over my shirt a moment. "I really love your boobs, Penelope. Really ... they're perfect..." Her fingers traced the edge of my collar then moved down to my stomach, sliding under my shirt and tickling my abdomen. I jumped involuntarily. "You always were ticklish. I promise I won't ... that's not the reaction I want right now..." Her fingers ...