1. mom and I -2

    Date: 9/14/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 93, Source: xHamster

    tell you something,&#034 she said. &#034Sometimes when you fulfill a need and return to reality there's a feeling that you shouldn't have done that. It's a sort of guilt. Please don't feel so, what we did was not something bad. Of course, society says that a mother and her son mustn't have sex with each other. But you shouldn't feel guilty or bad for what we did. Treat it as an experience, nothing more than that.&#034 I was so tired and stressed with all that happened to me in the last few hours that I barely noticed when mom turned off the bedside lamp. I woke up next morning with a strange feeling, as if I had had a nice dream. Looking to my side I saw mom sl**ping quietly on her back. It wasn't a dream! As I remembered what we had been doing some hours before a doubt begun to grow in me. I was afraid that it just happened because mom had drank too much vodka. If I was correct she would blame me, who'd been clear-headed, for all that had happened between us. It would be hell when she woke up! Even so I felt my prick slowly getting hard again. Thinking, as in the song, &#034Whatever will be will be,&#034 I decided to have what might be my last sight of mom's naked body. Very slowly, so as not to wake her, I took hold of the sheet that covered both of us and started to move it down. In a while I could see mom's naked body again, her tits moving up and down with the pace of her breathing; her surprisingly flat belly and the large expanse of black fur, still sticky with the ...
    mixture of my dried semen and her own juices. The velvety skin of her rounded thighs had several shiny stains. I had a moment of apprehension when I saw that she was waking up. Was mom thinking the same as me? Her eyes twinkled several times, then she looked down at her own naked body and then slowly back in my direction. After a moment a shy smile sprang to lips. &#034What are you looking at?&#034 &#034I was looking at your body. You know that you have a wonderful body?&#034 She smiled again, delightedly at my admiration of her. Seeing that she didn't have any bad feelings about what happened the night before I bent closer and delicately took a nipple in my mouth. She sighed and started caressing my hair. &#034Thank you, mom!&#034 I whispered looking into her tender face. &#034Why?&#034 &#034Because you gave me the most wonderful gift I ever received. Until now you were just my loving mother; it's amazing that I never saw you before as a woman, I mean, you were mommy, the person who took care of me when I was sick, who checked my school performance and all that. I know it was even more difficult after the divorce. And all of a sudden my dear mom shows up as a sexy woman, a beautiful female! You can't realize how happy I am. I feel much better now. I was afraid you would blame me for what we did.&#034 &#034By no means, there's nothing to regret!&#034 &#034Just one thing you said yesterday after we... well... you know. You said that I should treat it as an experience. Does that ...