1. mom and I -2

    Date: 9/14/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: stif266, Rating: 93, Source: xHamster

    work on the suspension but it was a lost day. I couldn't work with my usual enthusiasm and was so distracted that my friend noticed it. In spite of my efforts my mind was far away from my lovely Karman-Ghia. I was replaying the previous night countless times in my mind. His mother invited me to have lunch there. I called mom to let her know. During the lunch I caught myself looking at his mother several times. She was a few years older than mine and the perfect image of a mother; several pounds overweight, gray hair pulled back into a bun, spectacles and wearing an apron over her dress. I couldn't imagine my friend facing the same problems I had! We worked in our cars till mid afternoon and then I went back home. At first I thought mom wasn't there and felt relieved. The breakfast had been very embarrassing, both of us avoiding looking directly at each other. I was tired, both physically and mentally and decided to have a nap. When I woke up it was almost eight PM, I had a quick shower and decided to see my buddies in a bar that belonged to an old racing driver. The place was decorated with trophies, old posters, photos and all kind of racing memorabilia. A bunch of us car fanatics use to meet there. The owner liked to talk about racing and we could stay the whole night and drink only one soda. As I was leaving I saw light under mom's bedroom door. As I usually did, I knocked to let her know that I was leaving. Usually mom answered, &#034Good night, take care,&#034 but that ...
    night there was no answer and I assumed that she was already asl**p. I was opening the front door when she came hurrying out of her bedroom. &#034Mark, hold on a moment please. Where are you going?&#034 It sounded very odd since she was never interested in where I was going. &#034I'm going to see my buddies.&#034 &#034Mark honey, we need to talk.&#034 &#034If you don't mind, can we talk tomorrow? It's a Sunday and we have the whole day.&#034 &#034I... I want to talk now.&#034 The only thing I could guess she wanted to talk about was what had taken place the night before. &#034Please Mark, five minutes.&#034 She almost implored me. It didn't make any difference if I was five minutes or half an hour later. &#034OK, let's talk&#034. &#034Do you mind if we sit?&#034 She grabbed me by the hand and led me to the sofa where everything started 24 hours earlier. &#034Mark, I spent the whole day thinking about what happened between us and...&#034 It seemed that she had prepared a speech for the occasion and was trying to luck up the courage to say it. I decided to help her. &#034Mom, listen, we already talked about it. You don't need to worry, it's gonna be the way you want.&#034 I was trying to be polite and not show any resentment about her decision. &#034Honey, it's not what you're thinking, well... it is but,&#034 she came closer to me and placed a hand on my leg, her voice was almost a whisper. &#034As I said, I thought about everything carefully and came to a conclusion. You were ...