Living among the Kilitoki
Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: mind_warrior_2000, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
tried to calm herself and took a few deep breaths, yet the feeling of nervousness didn't leave her. Was it because she hadn't had sex in so long? Nonsense. She was about to indulge into the most forbidden of acts. A sudden loud sound of the horn, almost made her jump. "Okay. Let's go," said the Great Mother and the women began walking out of the hut. Zoe was prodded forward and she began slowly making her way forward. She felt like she was blindfolded and led to some punishment. She could see nothing but the women around her, but she could hear the beat of the drum and the chanting of the dancers. As she stepped, she could feel dampness between her legs. Was it the oil, or was it the Juice of Infertility that was making her wet? Zoe knew that when she got wet, she really got wet -- sopping, dripping wet. She was hoping it was just the oil, as she felt her vaginal lips slide alongside of each other as she walked. Zoe stepped on something sharp, maybe a rock, and winced in pain. "Stupid mask," she mumbled quietly and tried to adjust it on her face, but it didn't help much. Suddenly the procession stopped. Zoe could feel the warmth of the fire now on her skin and her e****ts began to chant and dance. She felt, more than saw, the women that were surrounding her part and back away. Zoe froze. Through the tiny eye slits of the mask she saw that she stood in front of the platform to which Peter was tied to. She saw his face in one eye and his feet in the other. He ...