Living among the Kilitoki
Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: mind_warrior_2000, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
Peter piled on some chicken and potatoes on his plate and sat down. "Get some salad too," Zoe instructed. "Mom, I don't like salad." "I know, but you need to eat it to get all the vitamins." Peter frowned, but he knew he should comply. He forked over the minimal amount of salad to keep his mom happy and proceeded to devour the chicken. Zoe fixed her own plate and sat down in a chair opposite her son. "Peter, I wanted to talk to you about something," she began. Peter made an acknowledging noise while chewing on a mouthful of chicken. "It's about my work. I've been offered an assignment in Africa. Zimbabwe to be precise." Peter stared at his mom, still chewing, not quite understanding. "It's a year long assignment." Peter slowly finished chewing and swallowed. "I was thinking you could come with me," Zoe countinued. "To Africa?" asked Peter thoughtfully. "For a year?" "Why not? You're almost done with your studies." "Africa is far," said Peter scratching the back of his head. "Do they have TV there?" "Listen, if you don't want to go, that's fine. I'll talk to Aunt Ella. I'm sure she'll be happy to have you stay with her..." "Uh!" grunted Peter, scowling. "Right. So, what would I do in Africa?" "For one, you can finally see what my job is really about," Zoe smiled. "We will live with a local tribe that has limited contact with the outside world. ...