1. Living among the Kilitoki

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: mind_warrior_2000, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    Peter piled on some chicken and potatoes on his plate and sat down. &#034Get some salad too,&#034 Zoe instructed. &#034Mom, I don't like salad.&#034 &#034I know, but you need to eat it to get all the vitamins.&#034 Peter frowned, but he knew he should comply. He forked over the minimal amount of salad to keep his mom happy and proceeded to devour the chicken. Zoe fixed her own plate and sat down in a chair opposite her son. &#034Peter, I wanted to talk to you about something,&#034 she began. Peter made an acknowledging noise while chewing on a mouthful of chicken. &#034It's about my work. I've been offered an assignment in Africa. Zimbabwe to be precise.&#034 Peter stared at his mom, still chewing, not quite understanding. &#034It's a year long assignment.&#034 Peter slowly finished chewing and swallowed. &#034I was thinking you could come with me,&#034 Zoe countinued. &#034To Africa?&#034 asked Peter thoughtfully. &#034For a year?&#034 &#034Why not? You're almost done with your studies.&#034 &#034Africa is far,&#034 said Peter scratching the back of his head. &#034Do they have TV there?&#034 &#034Listen, if you don't want to go, that's fine. I'll talk to Aunt Ella. I'm sure she'll be happy to have you stay with her...&#034 &#034Uh!&#034 grunted Peter, scowling. &#034Right. So, what would I do in Africa?&#034 &#034For one, you can finally see what my job is really about,&#034 Zoe smiled. &#034We will live with a local tribe that has limited contact with the outside world. ...
    You'll get some sun and fresh air, learn how to live outdoors, mingle with the natives, make some friends. Who knows, maybe you'll like it and follow in my footsteps one day?&#034 &#034Friends?&#034 Peter seemed suddenly interested. &#034Yes. I'm sure there will be boys your age there. Don't worry, you'll fit right in. Tribal people love foreigners. To them you'll be the most interesting, most traveled and most educated person they know. Think of all the stuff you can tell them about!&#034 Zoe watched her son's reaction and knew that he was intrigued. Peter nodded his head thoughtfully for a while. &#034When would we leave?&#034 &#034The trip is in a month. Does that mean you're coming?&#034 &#034It sure beats staying with Aunt Ella,&#034 said Peter and skewered another piece of chicken with his fork. He felt a rising excitement in his chest. He always wanted to make more friends, but people in the city always seemed so unfriendly, so judgemental. Even when Peter hung out with the guys in his neighbor, he felt like they didn't really accept him and made fun of him behind his back. In Africa, it would be different. People were simpler there. They didn't care who had the latest gadget or who was attending some important event. No, in Africa none of these mundane things mattered. It would be a fresh start for him. It would help him escape this lethargic life. *** The month passed in a flash. With so much to do before leaving, Zoe had little time to think about anything else. Doug ...