1. Living among the Kilitoki

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: mind_warrior_2000, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    indigenous people. How I wish I was young again, so I can take this job myself.&#034 &#034I've been telling you for years -- retire and move to Africa. That way you can always be where your heart is.&#034 &#034I know. I should, but that old hag of a wife of mine won't move anywhere for all the diamonds on Earth. But enough about that. I'm sure you're very excited and I've got some phone calls to make. That's all I needed you for.&#034 Doug winked. &#034Go on! Go home and read over the briefings.&#034 Zoe thanked Doug five more times and then practically flew out of the office. She headed straight to the cafe around the corner and, once she had her latte, she settled into a booth to read over the details of the assignment. This was the assignment Zoe had been waiting for. Sure, it was nice to help third-world countries from behind a desk but it was nothing like a hands-on experience. Twice since college, Zoe got a chance for such work -- once in Peru for a few months and once in West Africa. Such assignments usually consisted of living among a tribe or a community and teaching them modern skills like preserving food, fighting off disease, and basic education. Of course, every time she ended up learning a lot herself. The air was warm and stuffy inside the cafe. Zoe removed her coat and unbuttoned her sweater. &#034A whole year in Zimbabwe with a limited-contact tribe,&#034 she thought. &#034This will be wonderful. I could teach them so much.&#034 The assignment was to begin ...
    in a month. Zoe sipped her latte as she was trying to think of all the things that needed to get done before the trip. And, of course, there was Peter. Zoe could ask Aunt Ella to let him stay with her for a while. She smiled. She could already hear Peter protesting in terror. He just loved Aunt Ella so much! Peter was just about to finish his studies and Zoe could see if he wanted to come with her. Sure, it was for a whole year, but it wasn't that unusual in her line of work. Often times employees took their whole families with them on such assignments. However, it was up to Peter to decide whether he was willing to come or not. While thinking about such things Zoe noticed a young man looking at her from a nearby table at the cafe. What the man saw was an uptight-looking woman hunched over some papers. She appeared to be in her mid thirties, but her skin was pale and smooth, which made it difficult to judge her true age. Her dirty-blond hair was neatly tucked behind her ears and her brown eyes quickly flicked back and forth along the pages. She wasn't especially attractive. Her simple clothes and lack of make-up denoted that she didn't care much about looks. Yet there was something about her. She seemed to have that sort of classy, ageless look to her. The man's eyes wondered lower and he saw the unbuttoned sweater. He caught a quick glimpse of a cleavage that promised ample breasts beneath. Zoe watched his eyes and realized that they have trailed below her neck. She looked ...