1. Mommy's Time for a Massage

    Date: 9/16/2015, Categories: Masturbation, Mature, Taboo, Author: Marcia2, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    some girl pregnant.&#034 &#034Have you had a mother-to-son chat yet?&#034 Don's aunt asked. Don's mother didn't respond for a long while. &#034Not exactly a chat,&#034 she said at last. &#034Frankly I don't know how to talk about this sort of stuff. He's at that Catholic school and none of the nuns will tell him anything. He doesn't have many friends. It's pretty much just the two of us.&#034 She laughed. &#034Not that I mind or anything. I love my son. It's nice he likes to spend time at home.&#034 &#034It's been lonely since Pete died, hasn't it?&#034 Don's aunt asked. &#034Yes it has. I don't know what I'd do without my son.&#034 &#034Maybe you should show him about the birds and the bees?&#034 &#034Show him?&#034 &#034You know what I mean, handsome hunk like him. I'd almost like to try him out myself. You better not let me be alone with him. He wouldn't be innocent very long.&#034 &#034Oh you,&#034 Don's mother said. &#034He isn't a virgin anymore. I do know that much.&#034 &#034Really? How do you know that?&#034 &#034He doesn't know what a virgin is actually,&#034 his mother said. &#034He's just a passionate k** with lots of love in his heart.&#034 &#034Then how come you know he isn't a virgin?&#034 Don's aunt didn't respond for several minutes. &#034Something's happened between you two hasn't it?&#034 &#034Goodness,&#034 his mother said anger in her voice. &#034Do you think I'm some kind of pervert?&#034 &#034No,&#034 his aunt responded calmly. &#034I think you're a ...
    lonely woman who loves her son and I'm sure he loves you just as much. So you've had fun a few times, big deal.&#034 &#034Well I'm not like that,&#034 she said. &#034He massaged me a few times, that's all. Nothing else.&#034 &#034Sure,&#034 Don's aunt said a strange smile on her face. &#034I've been around the block a few times. I can smell this sort of thing ten miles away, knew something was up the minute I walked in the door.&#034 &#034And what should I do about all this now?&#034 &#034Let him stay with me a few days until you sort things out, know how you feel. Hey if you love the k**, I'm not going to stop you. But you should be sure.&#034 &#034And what are you going to do alone with him in your one bedroom apartment?&#034 &#034That's our business. You think about it. Then you decide what you want. And maybe, he'll have some fun with someone else and he can think of all his options. Maybe he just needs a girl closer to his own age.&#034 &#034Maybe,&#034 Don's mother muttered to herself. Don had heard enough. He had arrived home a bit early, noticed his aunt's car in the driveway, and had slipped into the house unobserved. Now it was time to be noticed, so he stepped out of the hallway into the kitchen where his mother and aunt were talking. &#034Hi all,&#034 he said with a smile. &#034What's up?&#034 Both of the lovely ladies glanced up at him a crimson color deepening their faces. Don spent the night in his Aunt's apartment. When Elaine unlocked the door, the two of them ...