1. Mommy's Time for a Massage

    Date: 9/16/2015, Categories: Masturbation, Mature, Taboo, Author: Marcia2, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    &#034Don. Come here. It's massage time.&#034 The young man rose from the couch, flicked the television off, and trudged up the stairs to his mother's bedroom. As he entered the room, he approached a large king sized bed covered by a bedspread imprinted with little lilac flowers. His mother lay face down on the bed, a beach towel over her buttocks. The rest of her was bare. This activity had started a couple of years ago. Don was sixteen at the time and his Dad had recently died. Don's mother Lilly had been devastated with her loss and the stress had built up to the point where headaches were a genuine reality. In desperation, she had enlisted the help of her son to provide her with a stimulating rub-down at least once an evening to help her relax. Often she would simply fall asl**p as the boys tender hands rubbed her back and neck, then shifting to her long shapely legs. She was a young 40 year old woman and Don enjoyed touching her soft flesh. And for the most part, it was an innocent activity. It didn't become more until sometime after his eighteenth birthday. At first the fall from innocence occurred solely in the young man's mind and imagination. The heat of the afternoon encouraged him to wear a loose fitting pair of gym shorts around the house that day. When his mom called, he rushed to her side and began his usual ritual of kneading her neck muscles. They were particularly tense that day and required a substantial amount of effort on his part to manipulate them to a ...
    point of relaxation. Eventually he was able to move to her back and continue his magic work on her tender flesh. As he worked, he eventually reached the top of the towel. Seemingly innocent, he showed great dedication by massaging further and further downward, pushing the towel over his mother's buttock's as he worked. Tenderly his hands squeezed and caressed her buttocks. His mother in response moved back and forth causing his hand to accidentally slip into the crack between her butt cheeks. A finger inadvertently slipped into her anus. Fearing that he had made a mistake, he froze for a minute without motion until his mother pushed upward and his finger slid further into her hole. When he attempted to pull the finger out, she responded by pushing upward again so the finger slammed to the hilt into her cavity. Then the woman proceeded to wiggle her butt back and forth, squeezing her anus tightly around the finger. Then Don's mother woke up. &#034Oh my. I think that's enough for now,&#034 she said grabbing her towel around her and rushing into the adjacent bathroom. The next evening when Don's mother called to him, she was wearing a pair of loose fitting running shorts. She was dreaming about past loves long before his hands had finished massaging down to the top of her shorts. He proceeded to massage her toes. Soon he was moving his efforts up her legs, spending considerable time on her calves. She was a thin woman with sleek skin, soft like velvet with just a trace of hair ...