1. Jennifer And Me Chapter 2

    Date: 9/17/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: TommyTudor, Rating: 0, Source: LushStories

    would do something so diabolical? Only a phony baloney, fake Christian hell bent on spending eternity in Hades . I’m not your judge, but you will be judged. As Hot Lips said, “His will be done.” Please, no righteous indignation, as none will be accepted. In a somewhat strange and perverse way you are escaping this jaundiced affair with your virtue quasi-intact, as you never sucked my cock, I never went down on you, we never had intercourse, and if you can be believed, your anal virginity is still intact. You are probably a very lousy cocksucker, and I just might suck cock much better than you. I hope that sows some curious doubt in your fruitless mind like is he, or is he not a bisexual? That is the question which I will leave unanswered, and for you to ponder on sleepless nights. Bottom line is, there is no fool like an old fool. As the old adage goes, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I will close with the following unsolicited advice. In the future you should be very careful when pulling these scams. Eventually you will run into a vengeful person who will seek retribution, which could prove very painful or worse. But never fear it won’t come from me, I’m just an old foolish sweet cuddly teddy bear. Your future can only be told in the stars, but beware of the gypsies. Perhaps the only thing you said that was true was that you loved coffee, but I wouldn’t bet on it. If you don’t really love coffee, that would be the cruelest thing of all, don’t you agree?