1. Jennifer And Me Chapter 2

    Date: 9/17/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: TommyTudor, Rating: 0, Source: LushStories

    Jennifer supposedly left for Seattle as planned, and for several days I e-mailed her without any response. I was surprised by the lack of response, and somewhat confused. Negative thoughts began to swirl around in my head. I knew this might be too good to be true. A forty-eight year old gorgeous woman wanting wanton sex with a seventy-four year old man. How could that be? Was I being played for a fool? After not hearing from her for five days, I sent a respectful e-mail, in case I was totally wrong in my assessment. I said, since I had not heard back from her, I assumed she had second thoughts and this was a silent goodbye. The next day, she sent me an indignant e-mail stating that she was very busy with her travel and stressful work, and that she was angry with me for thinking as I did. I quickly responded with my apologies and virtually groveled, begging her to forgive me. I told her I would not harass her with multiple e-mails, as I understood how busy and stressful her work must be. The next day I received another e-mail. She went to great lengths to describe her thoughts and a conversation she had with her father. Her father was aghast that she had traveled to the home of an unknown man. She had told her father of her Craig’s List ad and that I had responded, and she was merely following up on it. She told her dad that I seemed like a very nice and safe gentleman, and that after getting to know me better, she might want to break her eight years of celibacy and ...
    experience all the sexual pleasures that she had been denied during her two previous marriages. Her dad told her that a seventy-four year old man would probably have a massive heart attack during heavy strenuous sex with her. She then asked me if I would talk dirty to her during sex? Would I use other words for vagina and penis? Would I mind letting her suck me? She said she always wanted to know what a man’s cum tasted like. What would I say and do while performing cunnilingus one her? Would I be interested in taking her anal virginity? Would I find her G-spot and massage it helping her to squirt, which she had never done? While reading her e-mail, I was inspired to visit the Raleigh Clinic for Men to help with my ED issues. I then responded with a lengthy e-mail describing in detail the following: Hot fucking her in a fever, as well as slow, sensuous lovemaking doing all the things she wanted to experience and more. I used all the dirty words I could think of - cock, pussy, cunt, fuck, suck clitoris and more. Thinking the use of these words would only turn her on. I even told her I dreamed of hard fucking her, and making slow sensuous love to her. And that I could not wait for her return. Yet in the back of my mind there were lingering doubts. This all seemed too good to be true. And we all know the old saw. Several days went by without any more e-mails from her. With each day the doubts grew stronger. After a week, this old fool concluded, he had been scammed by a lady who got some ...