Date: 9/8/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: crazyxxxcash, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    she opened the door further and ushered the other woman back into the small room. “Pull your pants up,” his mother told him as she took a seat back in the chair next to him. “Umm, actually, he probably needs to go ahead and just strip down and put a gown on. Doctor Tanner is gonna want to examine him, so…ya’know…” The mom nodded to him and he began taking his clothes completely off while Karen rummaged around in a cabinet beside the exam table for an exam gown. The gowns were of course on the top shelf and being five foot one, she had to strain, standing on her tip-toes to reach the stack of folded garments. Finally snagging one, she dropped back onto the heels of her feet. Just then her lower belly caught a frigid chill. To her horror, she realized her shirt tail had crawled up while she was stretching to reach the gowns. She was already turning around to hand the gown to Eric before she realized she was exposed. As the boy took the garment, she realized his mother was gawking unabatedly at her belly…as was Eric! “They don’t really make maternity scrubs,” she chuckled as she wiggled and tugged to get the shirt tail to go back down. It was while she pulled downward that she noticed Eric’s penis was moving…elongating…extending forth from its fleshy sheath. He was holding the gown but making no effort to put it on. Buck naked, he was just standing there with his unblinking eyes, glaring directly at her as she struggled to pull her blouse down. And with each tug and movement, ...
    she knew her belly and tits were jiggling. But it was fight the shirt or just stand there with her belly out like a doofus. A sock hit the boy in the side of the head. It didn’t really make much of an impact, but it got both of their attention. “Hey! Why don’t you embarrass me to death!” his mother scolded him as she hurled his second sock at him. “Ohhh…umm…I’m sorry,” Karen apologized but she was anything but sorry. Since laying eyes on the boy’s fat sausage, she’d been wondering how big his erection might be…and now she was apparently going to find out…and to top matters off, he was apparently enthralled with her bare belly hanging out. Was he another fatty lover like Roger? It might be why his scrawny ass mother had never known him to pop wood. Nothing around their house was doing it for him. “Well I guess he gonna answer your question for you,” she groaned, covering her face with one hand and turning her head away so as not to see him. His dick was still mostly flaccid, but it had lengthened to probably five or six inches…its girth still as big around as her wrist. He wasn’t well hung…he had an elephant trunk for a dick apparently! “Okay well go ahead and put this gown on and I’ll go see about getting Doctor Tanner in here,” Karen announced as she snagged up his chart and made her way to the door and then out into the hallway. “Er-hrmm!” It was Doctor Tanner, grumpy as always, and standing just outside the exam room waiting on her to exit. “Last I checked you were the ...