Date: 9/8/2015, Categories: Hardcore, Mature, Taboo, Author: crazyxxxcash, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    worried about. He shot up like a rocket during Doctor Tanner’s exam. I’m pretty sure I’ll be done with it in like two minutes tops.” The woman looked faint again and she leaned against the wall to steady herself. “I don’t mind doing this or even just telling him what to do and staying in there to make sure he does it right, but the sooner it’s done the better. You’re welcome to stay in there with me while I do it. In fact, I might feel better about it if you did. Or maybe you wanna do it yourself?” “Shit, if he was just a little older he’d probably know what he was doing and this would all be moot.” “Are you sure he doesn’t know how to do it already?” The mother sighed. “Oh sure, like I’d know.” “We can ask him,” she suggested. “Look, just go back in there and do it.” “Only if you come with me,” she agreed. It was both humorous and deviant. She wanted to make the woman watch her playing with her son’s dick because she knew it was repulsive to her…and also she wanted to feel the rush of doing something nasty while being watched. It was like when she was jiggling her belly for him behind Tanner’s back. She’d always had a bit of an exhibitionist in her. She’d also always been a bit of a bitch, especially to skinny women like this woman. Reluctantly, without saying a word, the woman opened the exam room door and went in. 11:19 AM Eric was standing up on the floor with not a stitch of clothing on. He’d removed his gown at Karen’s behest and his mother, blazing with embarrassment ...
    had taken up a position by the sink counter opposite them. Karen was kneeling beside him and was reaching out with her right hand to grasp his limp cock…her left hand was also extended, but was holding a collection cup out in front of him. The moment she grasped his cock, she knew she was going to be in trouble. She was so enthused…so enamored with this massive dick in her hand, that she knew she’d never be able to remain professional through the whole of the process. I’m gonna end up fired…and honestly I don’t care… ’cause this is THE BIGGEST fucking dick I’ve ever seen in my life and I’m not passing up the chance to at least milk it. And honestly if he was a little older I might even try doing more than that! With that in mind, she began jerking his penis, pumping the fat fucker for all it was worth. In moments he was hard as a rock and she found herself having trouble pointing it downward into the cup. The boy started bucking his hips and moaning after a short time and it made her immediately uncomfortable. The situation was taking longer than she anticipated. She’d assumed two or three strokes and he’d blow a load, but he seemed to almost be resisting her efforts to f***e him to ejaculate. She looked up at him and realized he was looking down at her…past her face…straight down into the v-neck of her blouse…probably getting a good gawk at her DD’s. Her hand motion was making her tits jiggle…and he was all up into it. “C’mon…relax my man…let it go,” she said aloud to him and ...