Date: 9/2/2015, Categories: Mature, Taboo, Voyeur, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    Instead I said, “If you’re uncomfortable with the whole thing you can go to bed and let me chaperone. Maybe you’re right. Maybe it is a nostalgia thing. It’ll be fun for me but you don’t have to feel obligated to stay up with me.” “Are you sure?” Joe asked yet I knew he would take my suggestion and stay away from the pool and the party. So far everything was working out. Joe thought I was being a mother hen instead of a cougar. It was well after midnight when the cars began pulling up in our driveway. We were sufficiently separated from our neighbors so I wasn’t worried about noise complaints. Joe had gone to bed, so I greeted everyone. I knew most of the girls as May’s friends so mostly I sized up the boys as I met them. None lived up to Alex. I pointed out the munchies and the soft drinks, asked them all if they had bathing suits, showed them where bathrooms were to change, and finally went to change myself. Whether Joe was sl**ping or faking it didn’t matter. In our dark bedroom I changed into my pink bikini that was mostly strings before purring on a robe as a modest covering. What was under it was obviously far from modest and I would wait for the right moment to show myself off. When I walked out to the pool area a couple of the boys tried to hide the booze bottles. To the group I said, “Look, I’m not naïve. I know there is liquor around. I’m not going to be the police but if any of you act like you’re d***k you’re all out of here. Understood?” I got nods from ...
    everyone. Alex approached me and thanked me for allowing the get-together. “May’s a great girl, and I hope she had a good time at the prom. I did.” “She does look like she has a glow about her. You guys didn’t do anything to give her that glow, did you?” He blushed and stammered, “No…no…of course not, Mrs. Sawyer.” I smiled and replied, “None of this Mrs. Sawyer shit. It’s Diane, and I was only teasing. May’s a big girl and can do what she wants…and you’re a big boy too.” The double entendre wasn’t lost on him. Maybe it was the way I looked at him. Nonetheless he couldn’t help sneaking glances at the front of my un-cinched and open robe, and my bikini-clad body underneath. When he blushed again and remarked on how good I looked (and didn’t add the ‘for your age’ bullshit) I felt the tingle much as I did when I met him. “May looks good in her bikini, doesn’t she?” I said as I looked her way and she waved back at us. “Not as good as you do,” he answered, and the tingle turned into a hive of bumble bees. I didn’t f***e my presence on the group, remaining on the periphery and letting them do what they wanted to do. At one point I smelled marijuana but let that go uncommented upon. A few couples were in the pool at one point and there clearly was some fondling going on. Figuring it was time, I went back into the house, made sure my husband was asl**p, and set out the small bowl on the table nearest to the patio door. The small printed sign I made read “Be Safe.” A subtle order emerged as ...