Date: 9/2/2015, Categories: Mature, Taboo, Voyeur, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
on social media. I was sure some of his buddies thought it was cool that he bedded a MILF however they were probably in the minority. His shame meant my needs were now unmet again. I was alone even as I lived under the same roof as before. The coldness and lack of intimacy signaled to me that saving my marriage was a pipe dream. I sat at the hotel bar alone, nursing my second martini. Until he walked in the pickings were pretty slim. He looked younger than he probably was. The suit looked good on him; off the rack maybe but still a good fit. If he was alone and not meeting someone, his first move would tell me everything. I’ve learned that if you’re a businessman on the road and looking for a one night stand, you don’t hesitate making your move as soon as you see a good target. Here I was in my clingiest cocktail dress, braless, sitting alone on a bar chair with the hem up to my crotch and looking relaxed and indifferent. He’d wonder for a few moments if I was a hooker but then he’d decide to make his move anyway. He made his move. “Taken?” he asked as he stood behind an adjacent stool. I smiled and said, “It is now,” and patted the tall chair’s seat. After he ordered his drink he asked me if he could order me one, though he tempered the offer by saying “Or maybe that’s not your first and you have to drive somewhere.” A good line to find out if I was staying here in the hotel. “The night is young. I don’t have to leave right away, so thank you yes, I’ll have another.” I ...