Date: 9/2/2015, Categories: Mature, Taboo, Voyeur, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    and how it all felt, and the tingle spread to other parts of my anatomy. All I thought about as I worked was seeing him again. “Mom, did you put me to bed?” As she had the day she introduced Alex, her unexpected voice startled me out of my reverie. “Yes I did, sweetheart. Why do you ask?” “I don’t know… I dreamed that both you and Alex undressed me and put me to bed naked.” She shook her head like she was trying to shake out a bad memory—or maybe a hangover headache. “It must have been just that… a dream.” “It seemed so real, like the sex we had.” “That part I don’t want to hear about, as long as the ‘dream’ had a condom in it.” She smiled then winced like it hurt. “But it seemed so real. I mean, you and Alex were naked, and he was still… ah… you know…” “Okay, I get the drift. You were dreaming, and maybe it was the alcohol too.” I pointed out the puddle I’d just begun to mop up and explained it was hers. I got an “Oh” as her discomfited answer. “Take some aspirins and I’ll be in in a few minutes and make some breakfast. How does that sound?” She said it sounded good. Her distracted look told me she was still chewing on her d***ken memory of Alex and me. I had to tread carefully with her. I didn’t want her to find out and be hurt by what we’d done. And would do again. I might have been able to snow my daughter, but Joe knew something had happened. Did he hear us and wasn’t saying anything? One thing he did say was to comment on how tired I looked, making me admit I hadn’t ...
    slept, which was something I did for most of that morning and afternoon. I finally woke up to a chirping sound and realized it was my cell phone’s message signal. I’d left my phone on the bed’s nightstand when I lay down yet I swore in a different spot. The message was from Alex, and it wasn’t the first of the day. I NEED 2 SEE U it read. Thinking of the moved phone, I wondered in a panic if my husband had checked it and saw the earlier messages. I bolted from the bed and quickly dashed off a reply text: WHERE N WHEN? NOW MY PLACE ROOMIE OUT 4 2NITE and then texted me the address. I freshened myself up, trying not to make my primping too obvious. I told Joe I was going for a drive “To get some fresh air.” He looked at me dubiously as I went out in a flush. He was waiting for me at his apartment door and I fell into his arms. After the longest of kisses he breathlessly said, “I pinched myself this morning, wondering if it was all a dream.” “It wasn’t a dream, and neither is this,” I said as I threw off my clothes, down to only panties. “I can’t believe how hot you are, Diane. Hotter than any of the girls I know,” he said as I fell to my knees and pulled down his pants, taking his cock into my mouth without hesitation. As he grew rigid between my lips, I stopped, looked up into his dreamy eyes and said, “Maybe you’ll have to pinch yourself again.” I smiled and went back to what I was doing. I felt how wet my panties were so I urged him toward his bed, pushed him onto it, finished ...