1. "Nasty Love"

    Date: 6/13/2015, Categories: Fetish, Lesbian Sex, Mature, Author: upnites, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    back to me and reached toward my breasts. That segment ended with a look of total surprise on my face. And you could see me start to sweat… And on the face of the usually composed Dr. Maxine Evans was an expression of surprise and…sudden understanding. What in the hell could she be thinking of me? Obviously not anything she had previously suspected. The DVD continued to feature my video work journey through the small villages and townships of west Africa. Each successive segment showed my teaching technique change to fit the need. It wasn’t until my fourth or fifth class that I became aware of a rather startling change in me. Along the way of my learning curve in trying to understand as much as possible about the work I was doing, I had altered my lesson plans considerably. Trial and error over dozens and dozens of breast examinations I learned that if I began stroking a student’s breasts they filled for lactation. I would then take the offered nipple between my fingers and give it a pull. If that didn’t work (and it often didn’t) I would teach by touch. With a smile, the video for the U.N. showed me lean down and gently pull an enlarged brown nipple into my mouth, and start sucking it with the damnedest look of pleasure on my face. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, I started drinking the milk the girl was now producing with a look of ecstacy on her face. She placed her hand against the back of my neck and pulled my face deeper into her breast and began humping her pubis ...
    against me as hard as she could against me. I could see that the doctor must have been trying to figure it out just as I was. Looking directly at me now. Shocked? No, it was something else. I figured that she must be looking at me with disgust. My actions with those women caught her off guard and I realized she must have misunderstood everything entirely. On screen I was now mutually sucking off both of my pupils And something else had changed. My nipples had darkened and seemingly gotten quite a bit larger somehow. And longer. As soon as I noticed the difference in my body from the first episode, I glanced at the doctor to see if she saw it, too. But she was watching the screen with a little smile and apparently enjoying the show. For some odd reason I couldn’t understand, I once again felt that little flutter in my pussy, only much harder this time. I realized before long that giving the doctor that unedited DVD from the U.N. was one of the biggest, dumbest mistakes I had ever made. The biggest was not having watched it first. As I already said, after a while I wasn’t even aware that the videographer was recording me. My appearance in the remaining six villages that I traveled to had continued to change in a remarkable and…obscene way. As did my teaching methods. The real revelation occurred quite suddenly as I convened a class of three women at a small town near Lake Victoria. Maybe a dozen small huts, a makeshift dispensary, and the largest hut belonging to the headman. Goats ...