"Nasty Love"
Date: 6/13/2015, Categories: Fetish, Lesbian Sex, Mature, Author: upnites, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
individual co-workers until my segment came up. It began with the camera panning around a small village, noting various individuals or groups as they stared back at the videographer with good-natured curiosity. The scene then shifted to a succession of small scenes chronologically showing my activities from the beginning of my first clinic to the end of my assignment in Africa. I had been aware that a video was being made for the U.N. to show the work it was doing for the African population. After a while out in the bush I stopped being aware that my work was being recorded an actually forgot all about the video camera. I’m no longer sure that was a very good idea on my part. The first segment began with my arrival by Land Rover. I climbed out and was excitedly greeted by the women of a village. I was wearing the stock uniform for field work in that climate; a light cotton blouse with my ID card hanging on a chair around my neck, a pair of ordinary jeans that seemed to emphasize the fact that I was almost boyish looking except for my protruding round butt. Oh, and also a pair of rugged Blunnie’s on my feet. There I was, lecturing to a lot of bewildered, but smiling women with maybe twenty pairs of various sized and shaped naked breasts hanging off of them as they waited for me to show them how to use them. Ridiculous, huh? The third sequence was made about three weeks after I’d arrived at Kakamega, and I suddenly appeared on the TV screen in my jeans and boots and…that’s all ...