The Holiday Farm - Part Two
Date: 10/8/2014, Categories: Lesbian, Author: Sarah84, Rating: 8, Source: LushStories
I could, I padded over to the bathroom to pee and clean my teeth. Throwing on my dirty tee from yesterday, I went to the little kitchenette to put on a brew of coffee and pack a few essentials for the hike – snake bite kit, trail mix, energy bars, water, cap, sun block and a Drimac each. The weather is known to change unpredictably in the mountains, so I had a regular basic survival kit if ever I went hiking. As soon as the coffee was done I poured a cup for Missy, went over to her and kissed her tenderly. “Wakey, wakey, baby girl. Jo and Heather will be here in a bit. I just heard Tom leaving a few minutes ago.” “Oh goody,” replied Missy. “Do you think you can leave me here with Heather and I can just sleep?” I swatted her playfully on the bum as she got out of bed heading to the bathroom. She was barely back, still naked, when Heather was knocking on the door and calling to us, “Behave yourselves now my Mum is with me so get decent and let us in.” Missy giggled as I opened the door to let them in and offer them some coffee. Jo seemed quite unfazed by Missy’s semi naked state but it wasn’t long before we were loading the day packs into my old SUV and getting ready to move out. We were all barely seated in the car when Rick appeared with Nduna (A Zulu word which roughly translates to 'foreman' or 'supervisor') the older of the Ridgebacks. “Darling please take Nduna. It’s hot up there and there will be adders sunning themselves on the rocks. Just obey him, if he stops, you ...