1. We'll See, Part 1

    Date: 10/9/2014, Categories: Lesbian, Author: RogueAugust, Rating: 11, Source: LushStories

    herself as she was about to leave. She moved to Virginia about six months before, after both of her parents died in a car accident. Living with her aunt and uncle was a huge change already, since they haven't had much contact over the last years, but leaving her friends behind and practically moving across the country – well that was a whole different level of huge. She also wasn't too thrilled about the thought of having to visit a private school. Her uncle was pretty wealthy, so they wanted her to get the best education obviously. They had been keeping her home for a couple of months giving her time to process what had happened. She visited a psychologist a few times a week, because they thought it might help, since Spencer felt like they were complete strangers and wouldn't talk to them much. The only upside so far, were her cousins. Tara was eighteen, so only two years her senior and Jake was seventeen, kind of an older brother. They were both visiting the same school, so luckily Tara had already filled her in on everything that's been going on. All the rumors, the chitchat, the who's who and so on. And finally the day had arrived and it was time to face real life again. "Are you nervous?" Tara asked as they sat on the breakfast table. "Well, a bit I guess," Spencer mumbled with a worried glance trying to choke down her mouthful of cereals. "There's no need to be, honestly. You're smart, funny and sweet. So just be yourself and don't worry about Allison. Don't be ...
    intimidated by her. I'm sure you will do fine," Tara gave her a genuine smile. She had already mentioned Allison a few days ago. Her family was pretty loaded and had a lot influence on the community donating a lot of money and stuff like that. So every now and then Allison took advantage of that mostly getting people to do what she wanted. So of course there were many of her fellow students sucking up to her but Spencer definitely didn't want to be one of them... but she didn't want to get on her bad side, either... * * * * "Well, that math test was quite something,” Allison said looking kind of exhausted. “Yeah right, and in a couple of days you'll run around waving with your A+ again," Spencer replied winking. That was actually something she had noticed pretty early back then. The fact that, against her expectations, Allison was smart as hell. After all she had heard before Spencer had thought of Allison as this stupid cheerleader kinda girl, relying on her money and looks. Speaking of which, it's not like she couldn't rely on her looks if she wanted to. She still had that lithe, elegant body Spencer had noticed on their first encounter, only she was about 5'8" now and became more curvacious but still athletic. Her hair had grown a lot longer and she had those cute freckles starting on the bridge of her nose and spreading across her cheeks. "Hey Allison, you're coming or what?" Janet asked throwing her bag over her shoulder. Janet was one of Allison's rich friends who thought she ...