1. Staying With Erin - Chapter 7

    Date: 11/7/2014, Categories: BDSM, Author: ChrissieLecker, Rating: 2, Source: LushStories

    happened in a rather spaced-out state of mind for me. We took a swim in the pond, fed the animals, ate dinner together with Bridget, but no matter what we did, I kept thinking about Joanne’s huge red dildo and the promise that I’d feel it inside me. The idea terrified me, but even more, it made my pussy cream like mad - and it had me look down between my legs and see if I was making a puddle on the chair every minute through dinner. I grew suspicious sometime mid-afternoon, when Erin once again followed me with a water bottle and urged me to drink. She had done this all day long, but I had been too occupied to notice. “Do you want to drown me or what?” I questioned her, earning only a wicked smirk in return. Around four, Bridget called me to her, and I got up from Erin’s bed, where we had entertained ourselves with a game of scrabble - a completely normal game of scrabble, for once. Well, normal if you ignore that I was completely starkers and that Erin had a tendency to assemble the naughtiest words. “Yes, Bridget?” I inquired, traipsing out into the hallway where her voice had come from. “Let’s get you ready for tonight.” She looked me up and down, rubbing her hands, and I thought I recognized a flush on her cheeks. “Already?” If the time was the same as yesterday, we still had a few hours until her friends would show up. “Today we need a bit longer. Now scurry into the bathroom and get ready for the usual, I’ll be along in a minute.” She gave my naked bum a sharp swat, ...
    discouraging me from making further inquiries quite effectively. That’s how I found myself kneeling on the carpet in the middle of the bathroom for the second time today. ‘The usual’ could only mean our kinky and increasingly arousing enema routine. Confirming my thoughts, Bridget entered a minute later, put a plastic basket onto the closed toilet and went to fill my enema bag at the sink. Even though you’d think I’d have gotten used to it by now, the feeling of cool, slick lube being spread inside me didn’t fail to take my breath away. Bridget took her time with the enema, teasing my pucker with the nozzle, running circles around it that made it tremble and clench, pushing slightly against it, waiting for the moment when I managed to relax to allow it entry, only to giggle when my hips jerked backwards. When the now familiar rush of fluids into my rectum made my thighs tremble, a sigh escaped my throat. When I was clean, she ordered me back onto my hands and knees though, something she hadn’t done before, and I became even more curious. “You’re not going to tell me what you have planned, are you?” I tried again, only to be shushed once more. “Put your head on the carpet and spread your buttocks for me, dear,” she told me instead. There something really intense about that position, cheek on the floor, bum in the air and my pucker visible and vulnerable. Bridget was quite aware of that, of course, and she took her time to enjoy that. I waited almost a minute for anything to ...