1. A Family At Odds Chapter 3

    Date: 11/2/2014, Categories: Fiction, Bi-sexual, Black, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Female/Female, Interracial, Male / Females, Oral Sex, Romance, Threesome, Violence, Author: Hawkrider, Rating: 91.7, Source: sexstories.com

    around me. I placed mine around each of them and pulled them to me. We each kissed the other and I could taste my sperm on their lips and tongues. Candy was the first to speak. " Nick, Savannah that was the most wonderful love making I have ever felt. I want to thank you both so much for giving me so much passion and desire." Candy said with a bright smile and sparkle in her eyes " Awww babe your so very welcome and we hope you really enjoyed it." Savannah said returning the smile " Oh believe me I did so much. And Nick you have the best cock I have ever felt in awhile. I am never going to be normal down there again. I'm going to have to get a bigger dildo for my strap on for Tammy to fill me up and think it's you." Candy responded with a laugh " Well now you know how I feel after every time Nick pleasures me." Savannah replied smiling back We all hugged and laughed before we each kissed the other. I could tell Savannah enjoyed tonight and was satisfied for awhile. But what she told me at the diner in the restroom came to my mind. Was she really wanting to find that certain woman to fill our lives for ever? All I could do was wait and see as to who it would be. " Nick, Savannah if you ever need any help or just a place to stay next time your in town call me. You will always be welcomed in my house" She exclaimed to us both " Really even if um...If we have another lady in our lives?" Savannah asked with concern " Yes I do, And if you do it maybe fun with another in the mix. ...
    You thinking of a guy or gal?" Candy asked in a curious tone Savannah and I turned and looked at each other and then back to Candy. " Gal, Nick is the only man in my life that will ever touch me or enter me. I been thinking for awhile now that I want us to have a life time partner" Savannah explained to Candy " That is really wise Savannah having Nick the only man in your life. As for the gal well she’s going to be so lucky to have you both. I could feel the love you both share from the pleasure you gave me" Candy said smiling wholeheartedly " Your very welcome beautiful, And we will be as lucky as her whoever she may be." I told Candy truthfully with a chuckle " Nick sweetie , all I have to say she better treat you both with respect. Because if I get word she isn't I will come down and give her a piece of my mind" Candy exclaimed with a giggle I looked at Savannah who had a sexy smile as she winked at me. I smiled back and winked also to her. Savannah moved closer to Candy and took both her hands in hers. " Candy you are now and forever going to be a great friend to us. Please stay in touch with us." Savannah said to Candy with a truthful heart " I will sweetie as long as you both do also. So how do you both want to do the sleeping arrangements. I could go home if I have too" She asked with concern " Well babe I have to be cuddled up to my man. I can't sleep without him next to me in bed naked." Savannah explained to Candy " I can understand that sweetheart. I need to feel a ...