1. Wendy the cheating cougar housewife

    Date: 10/1/2015, Categories: Interracial Sex, Mature, Author: wendy52, Rating: 87, Source: xHamster

    afternoon!” “Andy don’t be silly, I’m actually kind of bored and could use some company. I’ll get you boys some tea or soda and some snacks and you can have some fun in our pool!” I gave him a kind of wicked smile and peered over the top of my shades. He looked a little uncomfortable but glanced back over his shoulder and said to his buddies, “Hey guys want to go swimming?” I got my first look at the rest of them and it was another young white boy with short blonde hair and a stocky build and a taller black boy with a build a hard as a rock like Andy. They peered at me and with smiles on their faces said, “Sure!” They came around to the other side of the fence and joined me on the patio. I told them to make themselves at home, have a dip, and I would get them some drinks. None were wearing swim trunks but they all had gym shorts on and asked if they could just jump in wearing them and I said sure no problem. When I returned from the kitchen with tea and some snacks they were in the pool splashing around and rough housing a bit with each other, their muscular bodies glistening in the sun. I sat at the table eyeing them up and down like a hungry cougar, which is exactly what I was. I could feel my pussy throbbing, I really needed to cool off so I jumped in the pool with them. This caused them to calm their rough housing a bit and as I dunked my head under to cool off I couldn’t help but peek at their young bulges in the thin material of their shorts. I came up for air and ...
    there was a definite energy or tension in the air. We splashed around in the pool for a while and I did whatever I could to make “friendly” contact as they or I would swim by one another. After a while I swam over to the steps and exited the pool, and could definitely feel 3 sets of eyes staring at my ass as I strutted up the steps to grab a towel. I turned around and saw them all avert their eyes quickly and I just laughed. This was turning out to be fun! After a little while longer they all got out of the pool dripping wet, their shorts clinging to their bulges and sat down for a snack. We made some small talk, Andy asked me where Mr. Martin was and I told him I didn’t expect him home for quite some time. About that time, Josh, the shorter stockier boy got a text on his phone and after looking at it said, “Hey guys I’ve got to go. Samantha wants me to take her to the mall to go shopping.” The other two razzed him a bit for being pussy whipped, to which he meekly admitted, then they apologized to me for being vulgar. “The power of the pussy right boys” I purred to them and smiled. Josh suddenly looked like he wasn’t so sure he wanted to go, but reluctantly gathered his things and headed out. After he left Andy said, “Well thanks Mrs. Martin for letting us come swim in your pool, we should probably be going so you can enjoy the rest of the day in peace and quiet.” “Nonsense” I said, “ The party is just getting started!” I jumped back in the pool and they couldn’t help themselves ...