The nearby Naturists/swingers
Date: 10/6/2015, Categories: Group Sex, Mature, Author: nigeltallguy, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
In late 2014 I got chatting to a couple who lived about 10 miles from me and who I met through a naturist website. I wont refer to them by name as to keep their anonymity but they are both in their late 50s. We met up a few times for drinks but due to several reasons there were long gaps between the times we were able to meet up. We got on well at these meetings in a pub near to their home and we chatted about naturism and how they got into it and where they went locally. As we got on I got an email asking if for the next meeting I wanted to go to their home. I arrived for an early afternoon meeting and was greeted at the front door by the husband in his dressing gown. I was ushered into the lounge and was greeted by his wife sat there in her dressing gown. He went off to make drinks and she told me that if I would be more comfortable then I could strip off and sit naked. I did this and she also removed her gown revealing a lovely naked body. Her husband returned carrying a tray full of drinks and he was also naked. We sat for the next two hours naked and chatting about anything and everything and I then had to go and run some errands. When I got home there was an email waiting for me from them saying they had enjoyed my company and if I wanted to I could come around again any time. We arranged a meeting a few weeks ahead. This time when I arrived the husband opened the door naked (luckily their house is secluded) and I went into the lounge. His wife was sat there naked and ...