Sky High - Part 1
Date: 10/6/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: Silverthorn5548, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
haven't seen me yet, you are wearing your loose grey top, tight jeans and brown ankle boots, your vibrant long brown hair is flowing all around your neck, making your beautiful face stand out, more striking than ever. I've seen this same look before in a picture you sent me once and you must have known it to be one of my favourites. I stand for what seems like an age staring at your form as you chat with several people, time stands still for me as you absently flick your hair over your shoulders from time to time, I will hold the vision of your loveliness in my mind for all of time. You had been scanning the room through all the chit chat until our eyes and smiles meet across the crowded building. All others begin to fade into the background as you begin the winding path towards me, not taking your eyes from me as you press on through the throng of people. You arrive before me looking very much vision I remembered from our last meeting, the flesh always doing more justice to you than any picture could ever. We take one another off a little from my group, leaving them wondering at our greeting of each other. During the formalities of booking everyone in we become inseparable, not wanting to lose a single moment together and to hell with the questioning looks from our workmates. We eventually move outside with the herd to the waiting convoy of transport, not quite holding hands but as good as, ensuring no chance to part. The journey to the airport saw us as thick as thieves, ...