1. Hippie Girlfiend's

    Date: 10/6/2015, Categories: Group Sex, Mature, Voyeur, Author: brianbigdogsmith, Rating: 97, Source: xHamster

    had a signal arranged; I gave her the nod, then stuck my tongue in Max’s mouth and gave him the big squeeze. You know the one, right? Haha, sure you do. At the same time, Olivia grabbed his balls and stuck her tongue in his ass. That did the trick, and I got pregnant too. But I miscarried, and as far as I know he hasn’t shot a load since.” “Wow, that’s a heavy story.” I said, “Olivia must have been barely legal ten years ago.” “You’re right, she was 17. And a virgin before Max. She’s never been with anyone else, she’s never even tasted come.” I kept silent. I was surprised to learn Olivia was 27. “I guess I should have left him, left them both. I was making good money teaching yoga, and there were always a lot of tempting men around. But I loved him, and Olivia too.” “And now?” I asked; “You’re welcome to stay here with me. I’m barely hanging onto the place right now, but when the economy picks up I’ll be ok.” She sighed as she got out of bed. “That’s so sweet of you, I really appreciate the offer. But I still love them, and besides, I’m far too old for you. What if you want k**s one day? We’re having good fun together, let it end gracefully when we go back to San Francisco.” A few days later I was invited up to the bus for dinner again. “I know about you and Irene.” Max told me quietly. “Look, I don’t blame you. She’s an amazing woman, and all’s fair in love and war.” Irene didn’t come down to the house after that. I spied on the women in the mornings through my ...
    telescope as they practiced their yoga. One time, Max came and took Irene’s face in his hands. I saw her reach under his voluminous white outfit, and pull out his monster cock. She sucked him there in the morning sunlight, in my upper meadow, her head moving forward and back. Then he took her hand and led her back to the bus. I had no right to be jealous; but emotion knows nothing of right or wrong. Olivia sat in the meadow alone, seemingly at peace. I had a job so I had to go. A couple of days later, Irene and Oliva came down together; they asked to borrow my van to go shopping. When they came back, Olivia told me the tomatoes they’d planted were ripe. “Why don’t you come up and pick some?” she asked me, “They’re so nice and tasty.” In the field, I talked with the young sweetheart; she didn’t seem twenty-seven, I still thought she was more like a teenager. Full of life and joy at simple things, laughing at a butterfly and remarking on a bird. We sat between the vines and talked for a while. “Irene and Max are all uptight with each other.” Olivia said, “I hate it when they argue.” “Did either of them tell you what it’s about?” I asked. “You of course, sl**ping with Irene.” She said. “Max pretends he’s so cool, but really he’s jealous and insecure. He’s afraid Irene will leave him. I guess we’ll be heading back to the city soon. I don’t want to go back yet, it’s so pretty here.” “It’s not as nice in winter.” I pointed out. “That’s true, but it’s only July. We have corn coming, and ...