1. Our love making like a raging storm

    Date: 10/8/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: Silverthorn5548, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster

    The thought had been going around in your head for so long, wondering if you could really do it! You continue with your work for several minutes before you stop again and stare into nothing, when suddenly you have the plan plainly in your minds eye. The corners of your mouth begin to raise ever so slightly, anyone looking at you that very moment would have seen brilliant sparks in your bright eyes. The mind had made itself up and you were going to do it, you were suddenly a woman on a mission! Throughout the rest of the day everyone in your office found you to be in a wonderfully happy mood, unbeknownst to them the plan you had worked out in your head. Several hours later sees you stepping off a train in a town very unfamiliar to you. The rain is pounding down on you, instantly soaking you through to the skin. This was not the look you were going for on this particular occasion. You set off through the station and stop just before going out into the rain again. You pull out your phone and send a quick message, your heart pounding as you eagerly await a response. Minutes later you are doubting the sanity of all this but are suddenly rewarded by a tone from your phone. You read the message to yourself and produce a very wide smile. The message reading &#034Yes, i'm still working away from home this week and staying at the nice little hotel I described to you the other day. Great facilities, massive bed and all that good stuff. Just a shame to be here on my own x lol&#034 You ...
    rapidly finger a message back to say how nice it must be and that you needed to sort something out for a while and would get back to me. As soon as you hit send you are back into the rain and jumping into the first available cab... The cab pulls up outside the large overwhelming hotel entrance and you check the name on the sign to be 100% certain. You throw the driver a twenty, tipping well over the going rate, hastily leaving the car with your small case, packed in a hurry after work. You notice the rain has stopped, cursing your luck for such a soaking just at the wrong time. You enter the lobby, knowing you must look half drowned, yet far from caring now. You walk, head held high to the the reception desk and confront the young man manning the desk, thinking to yourself this should be easy. You ring the bell on the desk to announce your presence, despite knowing you had been watched the whole time you crossed the floor. You ask in as confident a voice as you can muster if the guy can help you to locate the room you require. You make up a vague story about a meeting with someone in the hotel by my name and that you had the details but left your work bag on the train earlier. If you didn't reach me that night you could lose your job. The guy is reluctant as the hotel have a strict code on giving out details of clients to the general public but you have some assets to bring into play. You use your deep sparkling eyes, striking lips brought to a pout and soft sexy accent to ...