1. Sharing My Girl Sarah With A Older CoWorker (True)

    Date: 9/25/2015, Categories: First Time, Hardcore, Mature, Author: xXSecondCitySaintXx, Rating: 88, Source: xHamster

    This is a true story of mine about the time I shared my wife Sarah with an older coworker of mine named Mark as I watched and snapped a couple pictures with my phone. Hope you enjoy guys and gals... Now I guess I should start off by telling you a little about Mark. He has worked for the same company for thirty years now and can be kind of an asshole until you get to know him like I did. Mark and I eventually became friends because we had some things in common as weird as it was. Mark was in his fifties at the time of this story and is kind of stocky with long black hair which was more grey than black, a goatee which was also greying and has a couple tattoos on his arms. Mark to me looked like an old school biker and as we got to talking I found out we both enjoyed tattoos, old school rock music and, well women. Mark told me he had been married once a long time ago and it ended up not working out and he has been living alone ever since with a one night stand mixed in here and there. Anyways I remember the first day that Mark met Sarah. Mark and I were working in the back when she showed up to bring me my wallet I had forgotten at home. I noticed that he was in entranced by her and began to smile which he something he rarely did as I introduced the two to one another and after talking for a little bit she headed back home. Mark quickly grinned and shook his head &#034Shes a hottie&#034 which immediately started my mind thinking about the two fucking. Mark went on and on about ...
    Sarah when I eventually told him that her and I were somewhat swingers and that we had shared one another when the mood was right. Mark just grinned and said he thought it would be kinda weird but I could tell he wanted her and after finally agreeing I told him I would have a talk with Sarah to see what she thought. That night at home I quickly brought up the idea to Sarah whom like Mark was kind of hesitant. She said she had never been with an older guy before but that she felt bad for Mark not having a girl in his life in a long time. It didn't take long until she agreed and I quickly got on my phone and texted Mark telling him that if he wanted her could come over. About an hour later he showed up in jeans, black boots and a &#034Skynard&#034 shirt with a grin on his face even though I could see he was nervous as fuck. I thought we would sit and talk for a little bit but Mark got right to the point and said &#034So, should we go to the bedroom?&#034. Sarah chuckled and got up leading the way for Mark as I followed and stood by the computer desk in the corner watching as Sarah stopped at the foot of the bed turning towards him and began removing her cloths. She pulled down her pants and panties and stood in front of him naked making his eyes widen as he looked her up and down. Mark reached out putting his hands on her hips and pulled her closer to him and they started to kiss as he ran his hands up and down her back and grabbed onto her ass making her smirk. &#034Your so ...