Rebecca's Summer Vacation Part 2 [By: Jarvis8
Date: 10/5/2014, Categories: Anal, Hardcore, Interracial Sex, Author: bibiliz, Rating: 100, Source: xHamster
right now, maybe that was the last time I was going to see here. Whelp time to head on back to the hotel" I drove myself back in the rental car and just as I was about to pull up in the car I thought to myself she's older so she's probably going to be at a party later tonight. So I decided to look for ads talking about parties, I found a couple but they were old. So after that I decided to look up which clubs were hosting some kind of summer party and I found one realtively nearby me and the church she went to. It was a long shot but I decided to head to that party. "Finally made it. Looks like a lot of people are here at this club, hope she's her to get what she's been missing out on." I entered the club somehow avoiding to pay to get in, the music was loud and the people were plentiful and loud. It was a great atmosphere I decided to dance and have fun with random women. It was an awesome experience. While I was dancing away I noticed that a girl was staring at me, I couldn't tell who it was or if they were even staring at me. But I decided to risk it and head on over. The girl quickly grabbed me and gave me a hug it had me surprised honestly. "Whoa slow down there, you don't even know me crazy woman." "Oh don't recognize me? It's me Rebecca!" I was surprised to find her here let alone completely happy to see me! I guess all the sex and fucking made her appreciate things in a new way. Whatever the reason was I glad to see her at the end of the night. "Wow you're actually ...