1. I Remember Erewhon

    Date: 9/29/2015, Categories: Mature, Author: BradleyStoke, Rating: 2, Source: LushStories

    clothes literally in wild abandon, grab my erect penis between her teeth and pummel me into total and absolute submission. She was no longer as intoxicating as strong liquor, as electrifying as a DJ’s break or as numbing as a legal high. But on the other hand, however relatively unexciting Ydobon might now be, however much even in Erewhon she would now no longer let herself loose, she was a steady reliable anchor which moored me to a less chaotic version of Erewhon. There were fewer streets I chose to roam in the city now. I steered clear of the dark alleyways, the lurid lights of the night club, and the sticky table surfaces of the city pubs. I favoured a different kind of shopping experience in the city’s malls. I discovered clothes shops in Erewhon I’d never known existed before. I took more pleasure at sitting by Ydobon on a bench on the station platform where we’d watch the trains go by but most of all talk with the woman who I now recognised more as a wife than as a girlfriend or a brief encounter. And it was about that time that Erewhon began to fade. I still visit it on occasion, of course, but I am more likely now to visit other places that are less thrilling for a younger man and more suited to someone with children, a mortgage and a steady but secure job. And the Ydobon I’ve got to know so well is now no longer a nobody in ...
    any sense of the word and no longer to be seen in Erewhon and probably was never meant to even visit. She is more likely to be found in other places that my younger self could never imagine visiting (even in my dreams). These are places that are child-friendly, provide healthy options and may even offer family discounts. But Erewhon is still there. It is always waiting for me to return should I ever feel the need. And, of course, no one can be sure what the future may bring. But if I should ever visit Erewhon as often as I once did, the city would be a different place. It would be less magical, less fantastical, more mundane and much more slow-paced. It might be a place for chance encounter as it once used to be. It might be a place for adventure and wonder and exploration. But it would be full of women who (like the ones I meet on my relatively infrequent visits) are older, wiser, less excitable and whose voices are more prominent than their physical features. And Ydobon would now be a very different creature to the Ydobon I once knew. She would be scarred by life’s experiences. She would be wise in her ways and understandably wary of chance and fortune. But as I roll over under the sheets and gaze lovingly at my wife as she breathes softly beside me, I hope that I need never again have to get to know the Erewhon I still remember so well.