1. A guy and his...? (14) The Addition

    Date: 9/26/2015, Categories: Fantasy, Consensual Sex, Male/Female, Romance, Violence, Author: pars001, Rating: 88.9, Source: sexstories.com

    our sisterhood of master Jake. It all will depend on his answer, but as Gen said he is an extremely kind and thoughtful master I am sure he'd have no problem taking you also. Rashala's eyes again grew large but it was unheard of for a master to have 3 Jinns the fact that he had 2 was rare enough but 3? Plus the fact that she was a warrior and not a sex aid probably would anger him. No matter how she thought of it, she could see no way out for her self, soon the council would reseal her in her bottle and it would be a very long time before she saw the sun again. Jake had just sat down to eat when Gen walked in to talk to him. "Master, I know that having 2 Jinns is tiring to you, for that I and Rosalinda humbly beg your forgiveness. You have restored life to both of us." Jake nodded he knew she was up to something though he wasn't sure what. In the past sure it was a little stressful but their powers had helped him to over come them . Sighing he knew if he didn't say something she'd go on like this for days with the praise. "Alright Gen, I know you want help with something or permission for something. Out with it we don't have the time for all this remember we have that damn party tonight." "But master Jake I was only...," Gen started again. "Save it Gen what is it this time?" Jake asked not sure if he was going to like this or not. "It's about Rashala, she is without a master. By the first law of the Jinn without her bottle she can not ask anyone to be her master. She wishes ...
    to serve you, but understand she is a warrior and not a sex Jinn." Gen replied "Ok, so what exactly does this mean for me?" Jake stated. Here Gen took a breath she hoped she wasn't wrong about her master, "Rashala wishes to become your Jinn also." Here Gen was holding her breath expecting Jake to explode or worse banish her. She looked up when she heard him start to laugh, "Master Jake are you alright?" "Here I thought it was something bad, Gen," he said suddenly serious, "with all the knowledge in my head I can tell you that no one has ever had 3 Jinns, at least none that has lived. The council would have to convene and decide there is more to this than just me, plus the fact that I would have to command all 3 of you at least once a day. I'm not sure I can especially with a warrior Jinn, but," Jake said at the sorrowful look on Gen's face, "we will see, ok?" Jake reached into his shirt and rubbed the little bottle thinking of the council. The council was already convened waiting on him when all four of them arrived. "I assume you know why I am here," Jake started. "I have been assured by my first 2 Jinns that they are providing me with more than enough energy to keep going. I am not as sure I therefore have asked the council for their ruling before I can even think of accepting this request." Once again all 12 of the council members smiled at the respect and consideration that Jake had shown. They'd called forth the doctor asking his evaluation, though it only took moments ...