1. My Public Sex Addiction 4

    Date: 9/29/2015, Categories: Fetish, Gay Male, Author: bioralpleaser, Rating: , Source: xHamster

    I mean he had such good looks that he looked too good, like, why in the fuck would a guy like this come to a park for sex. Jesus, he could just stand on the street corner and be able to fuck anything that ambled past. But he's there, and he must have been there before, cuz he headed straight to the bushes and leans against a log, so I follow him. Well, I just about had to, didn't I? And when I get there he's smoking, which I don't, but I kinda circle around and this guy is so straight looking and so handsome, I just didn't know what to say, so I asked him for a cigarette. What the hell did I say that for? And he kinda nods and starts fishing for the pack somewhere, and then I notice it. His black tee shirt was untucked and it rose up just a bit and I could see his balls. Just his balls. Hmmm. So I had to think about that for a minute. Where's his dick? I guess looking back on it there were several possibilities, but I guess his face made me stupid cuz I had to stand there for a while and try to look like I know how to smoke while I figure this out. And he's just watching me and finally he says, in this really low, smooth voice, You don't smoke, do you? So I start laughing and say, No, would you like the cig back? He says, No, that's not what I'd like, and I say, What would you like then? And he gives this little shrug that flashes his balls again and whispers in that syrupy voice, A blow job? Like it's a fucking question, as if he didn't know what the fuck I was doing with ...
    this idiotic cig in my mouth. So I step right up (I'm past the not knowing what to do stage), and take his balls in just the tips of my fingers, and I'm like, where am I going to find his cock? Like maybe he wears it around his neck or something, but it turned out to be in the usual place, just sticking up against his tummy under the tee where he had arranged it sticking out of his fly, but it wasn't hard, and actually not all that big, but I am in suck mode, in knee position, balls on tongue, when he stops the show and fishes out a rubber. A rubber! Hey, I don't suck insulated cocks! I tried one once in a tearoom, and that asshole had a nonox rubber on and it truly tasted like shit (although I never actually tasted shit) and made my mouth numb. Coulda killed that guy. But this guy was destined to be sucked off by me I guess, cuz I got past the rubber issue and I licked it a little just to see if it had that numb shit on it. After that it was jammed into my throat hard. I mean really hard, like he learned to fuck by cutting holes in watermelons or something. And he is holding my head and face fucking me (which of course is very, very good), but the goddamn rubber kinda stays down my throat when he pulls back. It didn't come off or anything, but it didn't give me any time to breathe and to me, that is not pleasant. So he eventually cums and pulls out, packs up, says Thanks man, and leaves. Well, I decided that he must have been straight, cuz he really didn't know how to GET a ...